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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

We did something which i think turned out quite nice ... my husband

painted our ceilings white ...semi gloss ... then painted the crown

moldings the same color only it a gloss ....just a sutle  difference ....

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

Oh, @OKPrincess, thanks for posting, beautiful job!  I'm sure it was a pain to do, but now you have it done the way you want it, to your standards.  Isn't it a joy to have light, bright cabinets? I like the fact that you recycled your vintage hardware-- I've seen designers do that in kitchen remodels in various design mags.


Ours resemble yours, but only from a distance-- when I get right up on them I remember those less-than-concerned painters!

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

 @Big Joanie, neat-- those slight texture changes can have a really nice impact.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

@Oznell Thank you. We decided it was easier on the budget to try and salvage the cabinets by painting. Lots to do but it’s fun ongoing project. One day we will replace the black appliances with stainless and replace tile counter tops and back splash.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

We are in the process of painting the whole house and I've lose count of how many gallons of primer and white paint we've bought for ceilings, doors and trim.


Our only opitons are Home Depot and Lowes.


Last week my husband was doing the dining room ceiling (our next to last room) and he finally said to me, you know there is something wrong with this stuff, doesn't matter what brand it was or what store we bought it from, it's not covering and looks like krap even with a coat of primer and paint that has the primer in it, coat after coat.


It turns out that we weren't buying "paint" but base they use for tinting.  No wonder it's not covering well and the ceilings don't look great.  He came home and told me there is shelf after shelf and row after row of base and he had to search for actual paint, there were maybe two or three rows of it.


It's our own fault for not looking more closely at the label, however there should be big signs above the cans that say for tinting only.


I feel bad for him because of the hours he's spent with a brush or roller in his hands and he's happy with the final outcome.


The walls are fine but that's because they were colors that had to be tinted.




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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

[ Edited ]

Oh, bummer, @CelticCrafter--  all that effort. I feel for your husband!   Thank goodness the walls are ok at least.


I agree that store displays are often carelessly, miinimally or non-existently labeled.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

My house trim throughout is pure white semigloss from Sherwin Williams. Then my walls are Killan beige and ceilings are desert white which is actually ecru.It gives a nice contrast so the crown moldings show nicely and don't fade into the ceiling but it is still light enough. The killan beige and the desert white are on the same paint strip - desert white is the lightest and the beige is about the 3rd color down so they compliment each other nicely.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

I'm terrible when it comes to selecting paint. To me, white looks basically the same.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

Several years ago, we painted our home interior (except for the kitchen) in Benjamin Moore's White it. I used to have color on the walls but as I get older, I like a calmer and more peaceful interior.

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Re: White paint, white paint, white paint!

I have my whole house painted beige and I really like having all the same soft color throughout.