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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

Doilies have been passé for years. Never owned one.
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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

@CalminHeart wrote:

I was thinking dust.


Under my lamp is probably the only place that isn't dusty. 

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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

I have dresser scarves on my dressers, but nothing on my bedside table. I could put a table cloth on it since it is a re-purposed filing drawer/table that is the size of a bed sized table with a shelf and then the drawer. It is perfect and on clearance at Target for $20 or so.
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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

I have a few pretty lace doilies in my home but not under my bedroom lamps.Nothing on my nightstands but the lamp and clock.

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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

What is under my lamp?  Well, the lamp is on the wall and is a swing arm, so . . . air?   The night stands have a marble top on them--I had it put on them to raise the height a little and so I could put glasses on them!  



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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

I went out to Heritage Lace and bought 2 placemats in their Woodland design for my nighstands. My home is mostly cabin/cottage/lodge decor and it can get too masculine if you don't add some girly touches.


Absolutely love, love the look. They're polyester so not high cost or high maintenance of real lace. Nice touch for the night stands and perfect fit. I have a pair of small Waterford crystal lamps that add to the feminine touches.


I added a Woodland table runner to the top of my tall chest of drawers. Looks like an old fashioned dresser scarf. Long enough for a good drape on the sides and practical while looking shabby chic.

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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

I have all 4 lamps over a chest or dresser!  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

@FlowershopGirl wrote:

My mom had some beautiful mirrored trays, remember the kind in the 50s that women put their hair brush, perfume bottle, etc. on?  I put my decorative lamps on them and I place, at varying times,  little faries or kitties, dog figurines around them.

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That sounds adorable!...Now, you have enabled me to go out and buy a mirrored


~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

[ Edited ]

@ID2 wrote:

My cute little cottage style nightstand. Doilies don't go at all with my lakefront decor. Woman Happy

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I love the look of "cottage style"..French country...I love mixing various styles, so I guess you could say I lean toward eclectic.





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: What is under your bedroom lamp?

I actually don't have night stands or lamps in my bedroom. I have a nightlight in my ceiling fan, as well as lights over the mirror, and a light in the exhaust fan in my bathroom, which supplies all the light I need. Every room in my house also has large flashlights in a designated spot for easy access.