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What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

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Amazon said they will not allow this review and I do not know what I did wrong. This is not the first time. I've read the guidelines and cannot figure it out. Advise please. (Cost of light was $160 so I was refunded $140 approx.)



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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

Not sure any one here can advise you on Amazon's policies, it would be best to give them a call

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

I would have installed it anyway.  In my opinion, more light is a good thing.

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

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Email Amazon's customer service and ask them, you can also email them and ask someone to call you.  They call within minutes.  However, my guess is that you didn't review the product at all.  Not even close.  You complained about the product and it's obvious that you just bought the wrong thing.  You didn't take enough time with the product specs and didn't get what you needed but that had nothing to do with the actual product.  And then you kicked Prime around like an old tin can just because they charged for the return when they never said return was free.  You complained about, a lot,  but you didn't review the product.

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

Your are reviewing Amazon's shipping policy more than the actual light.

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

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The fixture itself weighs over 25 lbs...and my electrician said the neighbors everywhere would be up in arms, lol... so not to do it. I do like a lot of light but would not wish to upset the neighbors as it is a dusk to dawn.


Thanks for your input, much appreciated.


I'm blind as a bat in the dark....and it is good security. And I did end up installing another outdoor light I already had from them (smaller). I feel like they scolded me : [ for being honest.


ETA:: Good points, thank you. Heart

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

If I were you @cbrite I'd email amazon directly explaining the situation. I've had a couple of snaffu's and was totally able to work through whatever it may have been with them. I'd hang onto the item until you email them and hear back and go from there.

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

Ignore the spoiler.........was a mistake. I hit the wrong button.

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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

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A lot of my reviews have been posted on Amazon, though the few that were negative were not.

That ticked me off!


One of the reviews was about a light fixture which had cost $200.

The light was beautiful, but just didn't look right in the space, so I'd initiated a return.

As it turned out, it cost me one hundred dollars to return that light!


In my review, I'd said the light was indeed lovely, but there were many light companies on Amazon who offered free returns, and I wish I'd purchased from one of them.




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Re: What Did I Do Wrong In My Review At Amazon ?

They only want you to review the item to help others know more about it. Your service from Amazon should not be part of the product review.

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