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I watched almost the whole show.  I thought David did okay, but to me, he looked tired.

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Truly, Rick D. and Valerie are the better pairing.  Rick is animated and hyper compared to Val.   David spoke slow and steady so I was able to concentrate on the items by them not jumping all over the set.   David always giving the "only 200 left" scenario is a selling ploy, to make one buy on impulse--I think it works on some of us.

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what a strange comment from manny2

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I think David was tired. He was trying to say "sugared branches" when they were presenting the lighted berry picks and he instead said "gingered branches."

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David was looking at the floor, or his card when he was listening to the off-camera assistant feeding him the numbers left or such information through his earpiece.   He was not paying attention to Valerie, so it got disjointed when he would just jump in with the numbers.  I didn't think it was fake nniumbers, as he was accurate about the Starry Night Hurricanes selling out, although he misspoke Russet for Sage.


I think he was not that familiar with the color names of the Starry Night Hurricanes, although most of us can recite them in our sleep.  It probably didn't help that several colors were available  (Pumpkin, Plum, Teal, Ice Blue) were not on display but probably on his card and he may have been trying to find them.


He doesn't have to cover so many items and such dense displays in his own shows.


Overall, he really has a different hosting style and seems to need to be in control in his own way, which is in conflict with Valerie's mach-9 activity level. 


She did wonderfully with Melissa on one show where Melisss was calculating individual prices while Val was pitching and it was really fast and easy. 

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I agree that David seemed off during the show. I found it cringey and honestly I stopped watching. Yes, he would cut Valerie off and repeat what Valerie said as if it was his idea and awkwardly give number updates in an inelegant manner. I stopped watching because of it.
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@Sakuya   Sometimes David is a little ocd which benefits ITKD shows but maybe it worked a little against him last night.

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Thankfully, Valerie is one of the most patient, gracious vendors.  I've seen her do shows lately with Rachael Ellis, and Melissa, and I thought both hosts excelled with Valerie.  I do like her with Rick.  She likes Rick St. Nick, and calls herself bossy boots.  I think they just click. (Hyper + calm)   I also really like her with Jayne Brown.  

It's just a different style show that I think David is used to.  But, I'm sure David adores her, and does seem to have her decor and likes her products.