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I like everythig but the dining set; I'm not fond of the caning. I do like the different colors of dining chairs, but not that style in that room. And @lolakimono , my heart is set on that modern marble table with various colors of chairs (including teal/blue) around it, as in one of your previous modern posts. Lol.

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I'm a fan of the mid-century mod homes mostly because of the large floor to ceiling windows & open spaces.

These colors though .. I find myself leaning for them but think I'd prefer other colors that go with this style home.            





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LOVE the paisley ceiling and I don't mind the wall color but the furnishings would need to be replaced.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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The ceiling is nice and the chandelier but the dark gray walls give me a feeling of being closed in.  I don't care for the dark walls.  I could possibly tolerate dark walls in a library but that's about it. I prefer very light colors or medium shade colors.

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To me it appears that the furnishings were picked up at thrift shops and painted.

The console looks new. Glad they left the table- it looks a lot like mine. Polished wood top, black sides.

I do not care for the matte black walls or the busy ceiling.

The overall look is good, especially for high style on a low budget, which I love.

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~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Love the paisley ceiling!

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  Not for me. I prefer warm and cozy.

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Not my taste, but very well done, and also very elegant looking!

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The table looks like my dining table. That’s the only thing I like. Red, black, and white are great colors, just don’t like them combined in this room. Since you specifically asked, I don’t like the paisley ceiling either.