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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

I had a beautiful teddy bear when I was a young child in the 1950's and a stuffed toy horse with a blue felt saddle and bridle with silver bells -- and let both of them get away. I think the bear may have been a Steiff, and the stuffed horse was my most beloved toy of all time. I'd give a lot to have my"Nelly-Belle" back! I've also given away a few pieces of very nice fashion or artisan jewelry that I didn't appreciate in my younger years and would love to have now. Also a large vase someone gave me as a wedding gift. I thought it was ugly (it was to my then unschooled eye!) and got rid of it .......and later realized it was very nice American art pottery!

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

On 1/20/2014 casuallady said:
On 1/19/2014 aprilskies said: Casuallady, it's great your husband is on board too. My financial house is next too. I am organizing it all and hope to stay on top of it. Good luck to you. This is definitely a journey but it feels great.

aprilskies, Thanks very much for the encouragement. Sometimes it seems like too high of a mountain to climb. Best wishes with all your organizing and financial stuff. It is so freeing. I can only imagine when it is complete.

Its about a month since hubby started cleaning out the basement. I let him to do it alone, and he must go through every piece. It is Tuesday and he just filled another large garbage can. He said there is enough for at least a couple more. I think more. Then we will have all the large items hauled away. We will need to go through complete house again (2 floors). I still need to work on photos.

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

On 1/21/2014 bonnielu said:

When my daughters say "throw them out, give them away" at first I am hurt. Some things belonged to my grandparents, my parents. I guess these things are my memories. When I am finally gone for good I see them bringing in a trash can, bag (multiple) and just dumping away.

I see that too. I have one child that doesn't hang on to anything--wants no clutter, etc. I have no collections, but I do have a lot of dishes/kitchen items. I hope my kids donate the items and they don't go into a dumpster.

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

I need to get back to decluttering too. I no longer entertain or have need for large pots and pans, etc. Need to donate or give to someone that can use the items and I will appreciate having more room. Been shredding a lot of old paperwork that is no longer necessary. More to do and these threads are encouraging.

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

I have let go of some things over the years that I regret, and that has caused me to hang on to more than I should. I have three categories of things I have trouble letting go of.

The first are things that belonged to my parents/grandparents/great grandparents/great great grandparents. I don't have ton's of this stuff, and some of it is really not worth anything (monetarily or in usefulness), and I have let go of some of it. Things that were my son's (toys, books) as a child fall into this area as well. The older he gets, the more I weed out, but it is so hard to let them go.

Second, are things that have been given as gifts by very special people, especially my mom, as she has given me so many things over the years, very nice and expensive things, and gave them with much excitement and love. It kills me to weed this stuff out, but I have to keep telling myself that I have many other lovely things to remember her by (she hasn't passed yet) and I don't need to keep so much that it is burdensome.

Third, are things that I have purchased myself, have no sentimental value, but are of high quality, often quality you cannot find in today's products (I buy a lot of vintage and antique items). They could be pots and pans, linens, tools, dishes, etc. I use most of them in a rotation of things, but could do with fewer. I have "solved" part of this one by setting aside enough household goods for my son to start out with when he leaves home, but still way too much left. I keep telling myself, that when he leaves home for good, the place will probably fall in when I take out everything I've saved for him.

I have no trouble throwing out things that are broken, used up, worn out or that I just don't like. I go through mail, magazines, etc, on a daily basis and throw out and organize it easily. I don't have many clothes, shoes, only 6 handbags, or jewelry and don't have trouble maintaining those things.

I wish I had someone to give some of this stuff to, as I would feel better getting it a "good home", but I'm afraid if I clean it out, I'll be tempted to collect too much again. I need therapy!

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

On 1/21/2014 casuallady said:
On 1/20/2014 casuallady said:
On 1/19/2014 aprilskies said: Casuallady, it's great your husband is on board too. My financial house is next too. I am organizing it all and hope to stay on top of it. Good luck to you. This is definitely a journey but it feels great.

aprilskies, Thanks very much for the encouragement. Sometimes it seems like too high of a mountain to climb. Best wishes with all your organizing and financial stuff. It is so freeing. I can only imagine when it is complete.

Its about a month since hubby started cleaning out the basement. I let him to do it alone, and he must go through every piece. It is Tuesday and he just filled another large garbage can. He said there is enough for at least a couple more. I think more. Then we will have all the large items hauled away. We will need to go through complete house again (2 floors). I still need to work on photos.

Thanks, casuallady, I need all the motivation I can get especially whenever paperwork is involved. I absolutely hate it but this year my hope is to have it under control. So far so good. As far as the rest of the house, I got a new inspiration this week and will part with a few things I have been dragging my feet on and I am psyched to get them out of the house now.

Sounds like you and your husband are really getting a lot done. That's great. Keep the focus, it isn't easy. Good luck. I have a friend that only has in her house what she needs, wants and enjoys. Doesn't keep one thing more. Doesn't need or want it, out it goes. I would love to get to the same place one day.

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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

Bonnielu, I hope your daughters don't just fling out everything. I WISH I had more sentimental items from parents and grandparents. There just weren't many. I think when the times comes, they will keep more than you think. I collect and sell vintage ceramics, clothing, pictures, etc. I have no children so my friends (providing my husband goes first) have instructions to have an estate sale. I figure all the things will be bought by people who love the things like I did and if the rest goes back to the thrift stores where I found a lot of it in the first place and someone else buys them and loves them, that's okay with me. I think you would be surprised by what your daughters would keep.
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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

I traded my Bushman bubble gum card (when I was about 5)......and nobody ever let me forget it.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

No regrets. I like keeping the clutter down so I don't save a lot. I wish I hadn't dropped my husband's STL Cardinals' bobble head doll. It was a famous STL player. Did I say drop? On second thought, I think I 'dropped' it when we were in our 20s and he played on 3 mens' softball teams and was never home. BTW - I lot the temper. Don't want that back!

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Things you have tossed out and now regret

I traded in my civic for a mere $500, and it was running just fine. I don't think I'll ever get over how dumb that was. It was old, but it still had enough life left in it that it would've been worth it to keep it, I believe. ::sigh:: I would've had 2 cars for awhile, but I probably would've had this one paid off by the time that civic died. So sad!!! {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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