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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

This is my last year in this house. We are moving, full time, to our summer home this coming Summer. So I've totally gone through everything I own, downsized and after every holiday we take it up and put it in the crawlspace at the cottage. I'm actually pretty proud of my accomplishments. Everything has its own box with a label on it for its contents. I'm hoping to have at least half of our stuff already at the new place by the time we put this house up for sale this Spring.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

We can see into our neighbors LR (only by one of their backyard windows). The shadow of their tree, we can see when on our deck, came down only last weekend. You are not alone. But they have little ones, and they probably just loved their tree. So what? Let them enjoy, and you too. Whatever it takes, and when you can. No problem.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

On 1/21/2015 ID2 said:

This is my last year in this house. We are moving, full time, to our summer home this coming Summer. So I've totally gone through everything I own, downsized and after every holiday we take it up and put it in the crawlspace at the cottage. I'm actually pretty proud of my accomplishments. Everything has its own box with a label on it for its contents. I'm hoping to have at least half of our stuff already at the new place by the time we put this house up for sale this Spring.

ID2, that is some creative planning! How smart to clean it out as you go, and by the time you actually 'move', it will be half the work! This will make listing your house much easier when the time comes as well. Great idea!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I did actually finish last night, with only one tub of garlands and wreaths left to be carried to the basement, and a big stack of Christmas kitchen towels to find a home for. My off season/new kitchen towel drawer got overly full a couple of years ago, so I started storing the seasonal towels with the decor for each season, but I think I'm going through them and pare down a little, I have just too many.

Thanks for the support last night, it gave me the oomph to get finished. Just need to dust a few rooms and finish putting back some regular decor that is still missing in action, then the great winter clean out can begin!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Don't feel bad. I still have 3 or 4 things to pack away too.
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I've been working off and on from noon until 4. I am exhausted! Now it's time to prepare dinner. I have about 20 more minutes of packing left to do and I'll finally be finished! It sure is less fun packing than decorating!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

My husband is sick with Cancer and just came home from an unexpected hospital stay. All of our Christmas decor is down with the exception of the mantle. The stockings are still hung by the chimney with care. All of the boxed things are still in the living room. I will get the boxes that need to stay in the house where they need to go at sometime. I will also move the rest of the boxes out to our storage building. My husband can't lift anything so it just is what it is for now.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Rome wasn't built in a day! You've done the difficult part by packing already. I wish you and your husband well.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

{#emotions_dlg.thumbup} Way to go, mominohio! I just finished mine up on Tuesday this week when I took a sick day from work. I wasn't sick enough not to think that I needed to just do it ... so I did! It feels so good when you finally put the last piece of holiday décor away and the house looks 'normal' again.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I got the last of the outdoor stuff put away yesterday except for the things that are frozen in ice.