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Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Usually Christmas is packed up as soon as kiddo is back in school after the holidays. Well, this year, we had a week of snow days, then I got a nasty virus for a week. Now I'm at the tail end of trying to get all the decor back in the closet. Almost done, but actually thought it might last till Valentines!!!!

Give me a shout out to get back upstairs and finish totally before bedtime. I really don't want to go to sleep tonight till it is all done!

Kitchen seasonal dishes will have to wait a couple more days (ugh!).

Thanks in advance for the support!!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Hey, I'm in the same boat. I've been doing it the last 3 days and am almost finished. About 20 minutes of work left. It does feel good when it's all done. You can do it!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Take it easy on yourself - don't want to get sick again, it will still be there!

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

We still have our Christmas tree up. We haven't turned on the lights since Sunday. Everything else is put away.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Gee, this really made me feel better to not be the only one.

I'm still draggin behind with a few items that go upstairs in the Christmas closet !

My plan is to be finished putting it up by the week-end. I had my son visiting with us here since the week before Christmas for a month, so that's been my excuse...but the bad part is I didn't even fully decorate !

deja vu

~love hard~~play hard~~be kind~~~life is short~
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I'm in the same boat and am so happy ai didn't put up the tree this year. Yesterday I packed a few things and today I did the same. Tomorrow I'm starting the huge part, pulling everything out of containers and downsizing, this ,ay take a few days but I'm envisioning that part of the garage being nice and neat. Now if I could just get DH to get rid of his junk. Good luck!
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Don't feel bad. Everything here is sitting down in the basement awaiting me patiently. It is such a chore, and I am just not motivated to get down there. I probably could do a "half fast" job and take care of it in less than an hour but I hate doing things that way.

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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I've decided to leave my tree up through March. I turn it on as soon as I get up in the morning, and leave it on all day. My family is all for leaving it up for the entire year again, as I did to celebrate my first year of retirement.
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

Be easy on yourself. There's nothing etched in concrete that says Christmas has to be put away at a certain time. Heck, the winter is long once Christmas is over, so take your time. I always tell myself it'll still be there in the morning. And it always is. Glad you are feeling better ~ healthwise.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Still packing up Christmas, need a little boost!

I can't even imagine still having my Christmas things out. Not in my wildest dreams. Glad you're feeling better mominohio.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?