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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

Guess I'm the opposite. I like reading decluttering and organization books, although there is only so much to say on the topic. What helped me the most are the books that talk about deep cleaning and the order in which to tackle things. What I find funny is the frequency they suggest for doing things like cleaning light fixtures or cleaning behind the stove. With no kids or pets in our two person household, the stuff they say to do monthly, I do annually. I do a quick clean of our house every morning (15 minutes) and it looks very presentable.

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Sooner  Are you referring to what someone said on Q? (If so, I missed it.)


I have a good excuse on several fronts. As a musician, I have a plethora of piano music, then organ music (because I had playing jobs on that instrument), and finally harp.


On teaching - materials of all sorts are bottomless (though on-line teaching eliminates a bunch of paperwork.)


No, you don't want to see some of my kitchen drawers, but at least I know where everything is (most of the time).


Living in the 4 seasons, I need appropriate clothing, shoes & other paraphanelia for each.


Here's where I pretty much draw the line....


This weekend my DH is bringing home a classic car!!! Although neat, I do not want, nor do we need, another something to drive!!!


And I only have 2 ears. I do not need, nor do I buy, any more earrings!

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

Does anyone remember Don Aslett? He wrote books about organization and clutter free living back in the 80's. He was around long before the gurus of organization that have popped up in the past few years.

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

Someone once told me to unwrap and then put ALL my pantry items into transparent, tab-locking containers.  Even things like paper coffee filters.  One item per container.  Not the snap on lids.

Best advice ever.  Can stack and see and drop 😵‍💫

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Janey2 wrote:

l love the feeling of getting rid of things. I love when I can clean anything out and throw it away. The only thing I have a problem with is clothes. I always feel I might "need" that clothing item in the future. I like a sparse room with very little out on counters. Clutter makes me uncomfortable.

Agree!  I can tolerate dirt and dust a lot more than I can tolerate "clutter."  Switching from winter to summer clothes and I'm overwhelmed by how much stuff I have and how I'm going to get rid of it.  Have 4 bags full of donations and still need to get rid of more.  I don't even look at the emails from retailers offering discounts.  Do not need more clothes!


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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

Yes, your kitchen drawers will be beautifully organized and neat if you only have 2 knives, a wine opener, a spatula and a tea towel.  How pointless.  


If you have three shirts, 2 pair of pants, 2 pairs of shoes and a dress, yes YOUR closet can look like this as well.  You might have to forgo underwear totally.  No room for that.  


Why don't they admit they are not talking about "organizing"--but really about not having things.  

I have been a minimalist since back when I first got married @Sooner . We lived in an apartment in New York City and started a family in a relatively small apartment in N.J. All of it was out of necessity but to this day I live in a streamlined environment with few excess possessions. 

Anyone can take minimilasim to an extreme, though. I have seen YouTube channels where some minimalists sleep on the floor. But having fewer possessions to take care of in life, leaves a lot of time for favorite hobbies and activities.

Great topic @Sooner .💐🌺🌻

@Trinity11 I admire your fortitude.  But to me, hobbies are about the biggest generator of clutter there is.  That and decorating for the seasons unless you toss it out at the end of the season.

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Puppy Lips wrote:

I started to read that Marie Kondi book, or whatever her name is.  I did not get very far.  All I remember was her writing to get rid of everything  you don't want, and organize the rest. Well duh!   It is not that simple for someone like me who finds a reason to hang onto things.


I am working on decluttering, but I surely keep more than most people.  I am not a hoarder by any stretch of the imagination, but I do have a bit of a hard time letting go of what I do have.  Now that I have inherited a lot of my mother's things, it has been a challenge.

@Puppy Lips We have cleaned out four houses/estates as of now.  I started out being sentimental then when it was pushing me out of my life decided I am not a museum and I have a right to things I like too.  So out 99 percent of it went!


I am way past hanging on to dead people's stuff now.  But I surely know what you mean about a challenge.  But the tipping point came for me and I haven't (literally) looked back.

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Harpa Yikes!  Another car?  Uh oh.  Less garage space.  And music?  Last week a big stack of it turned up and is sitting by the piano.  I need to go through it.  Woman FrustratedWoman Embarassed Then there are the guitars (not mine) and amps and pedals and music and . . . yada yada. 

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

@Othereeeen wrote:

I won't buy anything called an "organization" gimmick...ESPECIALLY anything made to store or hide stuff you're not using.


I get rid of it. I don't want any more stuff squirreled away, out of sight, out of mind, that, if I USED it, wouldn't need a special storage gimmick to hide it away.



Just me.


I also will not allow ANYTHING to be taken down my basement steps or up the attic can hold a dance down there. I got rid of almost everything that was "stored" down there, because most of it never makes it above grade again....One box a week to the Salvation Army, I've missed NONE of it.


Too much stuff.


And no matter how much we get rid of, it never seems to make a dent!!!

@Othereeeen I am trying to be like you!  The huge truck came today!  

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Re: So Much of the "Organizing" Advice Is Pointless

I don't need any organization or decluttering help. I've been a neat and organized person since childhood. I'm also a ruthless purger, but my husband likes to keep things forever. I'm not a minimalist, but I do get great satisfaction from having everything neat, organized, and in its place. If a counter, table, drawer, or closest starts to look messy or cluttered, it's time to clean, organize, and purge things from it.