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I wouldn't buy an oven without that feature.   I use it late in the fall and early spring when I can open the windows.  If they're very dirty they do smell.

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@panda1234 wrote:

Used the self cleaning for the first time on a new oven. Oven would not work the next time I wanted to bake. Repair man who came told me it is best to clean the oven myself. He saw ovens that would not work after using this feature. Had to buy a new oven. 

That's interesting. I like many others am careful and only clean mine about twice a year. The last time I did it, my oven didn't stop working, but it seems to cook uneven now. I'm going to try to use the self clean even less now. 

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I use it, very infrequently, and it does a good job.  I've never had problems with the surrounding cabinets, though.  That would be aggravating for sure!


I'm also one who just prefers to KEEP it clean.  For the most part, I do that.  Manually cleaning a really dirty oven is just way too difficult for me!

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I love my self cleaning oven.  Just did it and it came out sparkling.  It helps to do a quick wipedown before you do it.  Nothing too intense.  I did my racks with easy off outside and hosed them down.  Now everything is sparkling clean.  I would never buy an oven without this feature.  LM

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I have never used the range oven in this house.    If it can't be made in my countertop oven,  I don't make it.  

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I have only used the self cleaning feature in an oven one time, and I didn't like the heat or the smell.


I don't usually make a mess in my oven, and clean it up right away when I do, so my occasional spot cleaning is really enough without the self cleaning cycle. 


I think some people can really slop up an oven or a stove top, and others are just a little more tidy as they cook and bake. 


Always remember to remove your racks before self cleaning, as they won't slide well if left in during the cleaning cycle.

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I've used it once and no issues. I use those silicone mats to line the bottom in order to avoid having to but sometimes, it's necessary.

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I generally am able to keep my oven clean, without using the self cleaning feature.  It may be safe, but it gets so hot that it concerns me. 


I have a new stove and haven't needed to use it yet.  When I used the self cleaning feature on my old oven, I had my husband pull it out from between the cabinets, and I let it sit out in the open, while it was cleaning.  I also kept the kitchen windows open.

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