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Posts: 983
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Has anyone here replaced their sidewalks. Did you have a problem with anyone ruining the cement while it was drying. I'm afraid the neighbor kids or others might like to play/write in it. Thank you for any advice!

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

We replaced our concrete driveway in early September. It was done in stages, but after they poured the street ...sidewalk area .... poles were put in ground and the men wrapped yellow caution tape around. After about five hours it was set enough that walking on it was ok. But heavy cars etc had to stay off till it cured longer....About a week to ten days. It takes concrete a long time to totally cure. I was told the Hoover Dam in Nevada is still curing. I think kids could not hurt the your new cement after 3-5 hours. Hope this helps!!!!

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Posts: 983
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Nonie Lee, Thank you for replying. It actually helps me great deal! I think I will go ahead with it and feel more at ease.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

We replaced parts of our sidewalk, no problems, but we don't have kids running around our neighborhood (thank goodness)! This was very close to our house and we live up on a hill!

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Posts: 560
Registered: ‎03-18-2012
We replaced ours, some years ago and one last summer. Kids were not a problem as they poured early in the a.m. and were around during the day. New concrete dries to the touch pretty quickly, but, as mentioned, it does have to cure. The sidewalks should have a slight slope so that water runs away from your house and toward the grass plat if you have one.