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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

@jannabelle1 Glad you enjoyed the post and the castle does indeed have an interesting history. Castle Wey has a website for anyone interested in learning more about the property. I'm always reluctant to provide a link, even though last time I looked QVC doesn't sell castles in Scotland so competition shouldn't be an issue... Simply Googling 'Castle Wey' will bring up the site.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...


I like the ceiling wood beams & the blue outdoor bench (but not that covered surround.)  Thank you for sharing.

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

@stevieb  thank you for sharing.  It's absolutely beautiful on the outside.


But that's it.  I find it actually depressing to even contemplate living there.  Nothing is warm or lovely to me.  It only says "stuffy old time machine" to me.  Museum quality, yes.  Living there? Heavens no.  

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

@GinaV24  my favorite. The covering would be helpful if a shower popped up while strolling the gardens !

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

It looks comfortable and lived in but I would make changes here and there in colors and decor.  However, love the castle itself and the spacious rooms.  I would be content living there and enjoying the character and charm of the place.

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

Interesting to look at, but too many prints and patterns for me. 

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

I love it just the way it is!

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Re: Prince Charles Castle of Mey in Scotland...

@Katcat1 wrote:

Some of the rooms are a bit much and that plaid carpet on the stairs has got to go.  I do not like Prince Chares for the way he treated Diana.  He needed to produce heirs and then he treated Diana terribly cheating with that woman.  She's no better than him so now they deserve each other.  That family has a lot of rats in the closet including Andrew with the young girls.

        I agree the plaid on the stairs is awful!