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Re: Plastic artificial plants

We walk our neighborhood every morning. Up and down each street. Some people have those plastic flowers in the beds. They are not attractive. Just plant some monkey grass or somthing easy instead. There are many plants that need almost no care whatsoever to survive. If you can't grow anything put some colorful statuary out.

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@bargainsgirl   Oh so true - dust collectors as I'd call them. They also do not expel oxygen into your air in the house either!



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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@Spurt wrote:

I've seen fake plants well done and then I've seen some that are laughable ...



Yes, the laughable ones are tacky, tacky, tacky.  Like the neighbor who planted artificial flowers in her garden and neglected to remove them when they were not in season - as in winter.  Or the one who put artificial poinsettias outside, on either side of their front door, amid winter's freezing temperatures. 

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@proudlyfromNJ   There are SO MANY plants, non-flowering & those that do that are not deer-friendly. You'd be amazed. 

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@Desertdi   Cacti seem to do pretty well.

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

I just saw those faux boxwoods in urns from $23 to a whopping $149!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you want boxwoods, plant real ones - they are much better, nicer, easy to maintain, AND CHEAPER than these plastic ones.


Oh my oh my....

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ   There are SO MANY plants, non-flowering & those that do that are not deer-friendly. You'd be amazed. 

@PINKdogWOOD  Thank you.I will check this.

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

[ Edited ]

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@Desertdi   Cacti seem to do pretty well.

@PINKdogWOOD  I had a guest who tripped and fell into a very large multi branch cactus.    She was pretty banged up.   I cut all my cacti down.  See related image detail di

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

I have a backyard that is mostly flagstone with a waterfall and a curbed raised "flower bed" around the back edge. Where I live that flower bed has easements (property technically owned by gas/electric/cable companies) that must retain access for those companies. Many new neighborhoods are like this as land is at a minimum and lots are small.Because of that I cannot grow much in that area, and the bushes I did plant died.


I don't like plastic flowers usually because they look so fake. But last year I bought some of the English Garden boxwood bushes with the stakes and I put them around that area.  They look so real that no one who has visited can tell the difference. I also got some of the colorful Wicker Park topiaries and put a few around real bushes. Again, I got nothing but complements and questions with how I was able to plant them. My yard looks great and I don't have to worry about dead bushes or plants around the easements.  Wicker Park and English Gardens are pricey enough because they are higher quality and don't look as fake as others.

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Re: Plastic artificial plants

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@proudlyfromNJ   There are SO MANY plants, non-flowering & those that do that are not deer-friendly. You'd be amazed. 

I would really be amazed!  The deer in my neighborhood eat everything, even plants that are supposed to be toxic to them.


About three years  ago, we put in a new sidewalk from my garage to the front door and replaced most of the foundation plants.  It cost me a small fortune for the plants that were supposedly deer resistant.


The deer thought they were new buffet for them.  We wrapped everything in burlap to  protect them and they were safe, but then the deer ate my lillies and other flowers. Sometimes they just bite the leaves off and spit them out and leave a mess.


The deer ate four boxwoods which the nursery guaranteed they would stay away from.


We don't have any plastic plants, but if we did, the deer would probably eat them as well.


They do this year around, not just in the winter time and we have neighbors who illegally feed them very well so they aren't starving.