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I think if the room is adjacent to your kitchen and if you often leave the laundry room door open, it would look nice if the cabinets matched the ones in your kitchen so the rooms seem coordinated. If budget and timesaving are big considerations, though, painting the cabinets would be OK.

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I'm like your husband and I hate the idea of painting natural wood. However...if the cabinets are worn to the point of replacement, there would be no harm in trying to revive there look with paint. Paint and a little elbow grease is cheaper then new cabinets. If you find you don't like the look, then replace them.

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I'd say if hubby is willing to spring for new cabinets, do it before he changes his mind!!

Seriously, though, if the laundry room is easily seen from the kitchen, I'd probably opt for new cabinets if I could afford them. It would be nice to see the continuity. If they are very separate, and the cabinets in the LR can't be seen from the kitchen, painting would be fine. Heck I'd just love to have cabinets in my LR!

I have heard there is special paint for cabinets that won't scratch off or peel off easily. Don't know much about different paints, but a friend (who's husband is a painter) painted their old 1970's dark wood cabinets a shade of white, and I thought she had remodeled entirely. It was just beautiful. She said the paint was something made just for such things. Check with the paint stores.

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Another idea... if there is a side panel exposed, you can buy a painted side panel or a side panel in the same wood/color as your kitchen and buy new doors for them that match the kitchen. You can see if they can order you doors that cover the existing fronts so you wouldn't need to paint anything.

Go to the Viewpoints forum and start a post to Black Bird Raven, she does this for a living and she's very knowledgeable!

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Cabinet refacing may be an option. Is that what you meant, Luvs2Decorate?

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎05-04-2014

Why don’t you paint it with the same color as your kitchen. Try and visualize how it’s going to look. The cream color and country look might be a good option.

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On 6/7/2014 graycatsrule said:

I am a matchy kind if person. If I could afford it, I'd have the cabinets match even though they are in different rooms.

OMG......your post could be me to a "T". I am a matchy kind of person, too......sometimes to a fault....big time LOL.

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Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-13-2014
On 6/6/2014 solitaregal said:

Paint them. Smiley Happy The first time is the hardest. Just did the brick on a fireplace and can't believe how much better the room looks. You don't have anything to lose except a gallon of paint and an hour or so. If you don't like them no loss....

I agree!You could change them according to your wish too.