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OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

[ Edited ]

And with a box of kleenex...

Oh so many memories from when I was growing up (I'm 55). Since this was one of my Dad's fave artists, I knew every song by heart from listening to the radio and when he played his albums on Sundays...

I love all of his music...especially enjoy 'Southern Nights'...catchy tune to kick your heels up to!


Great show...I must get the last CD he made! Just thought I'd share Smiley Very Happy

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

I am watching it now, yes quite depressing
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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

The show is very good. It really helps explain the journey with Alzheimers. I am sure they will repeat it often and it is worth seeing.

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

I have the CD and it is beautiful.  I forgot to watch the show.  I'm hoping they will repeat it.

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

I'm watching it too.


I have to wonder why did they have him continue on the tour as he progressively got worse?


Surely he doesn't need the money.


I get that maybe he wants to do it, but there comes a time when someone with Alzheimer's has difficulty in making good decisions.


And although this is a really honest look at the disease that is affecting a high profile celebrity, I question why his wife would mention that he u*inated in the corner of their bedroom or in the waste basket of a hotel bathroom.  Some things just should remain private.


Overall, this is a very good documentary and shows truthfully how someone slowly deteriorates.


God bless him!

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

I'm 3 years younger than Glen and I watched his tv show every week. Loved his music, wit and charm. He was such a great entertainer. I also had a hard time watching him suffer so much - as I remember the healthy Glen - and seeing his videos and pics when he was young - was heart-breaking. His wife deserves so much credit for taking care of him for so long. Hopefully, money will go to finding some relief for Alzheimers patients.

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

Alzheimer's is such a horrendous disease!  With the baby boomers getting older, it will soon be a disastrous financial burden on society as well as a hideous way to die.  I wish more Hollywood stars would make this their goal to get people to donate money for research! 

The documentary was well-done.  I'm glad they didn't sugar-coat the human deterioration that is the hallmark of this awful sickness.



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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

My father in law was a prize fighter in the 1930's. He passed away years ago. In those days when it was just called old age . This man went through the same stages. Amazing he could remember his boxing career like it was yesterday but he did not know anyone. He read the newspaper 20 times a day of course not remembering what he read. Sad to see such a vibrant man fade into a fog with no return.
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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

@chi5925 wrote:

I'm watching it too.


I have to wonder why did they have him continue on the tour as he progressively got worse?


Surely he doesn't need the money.


I get that maybe he wants to do it, but there comes a time when someone with Alzheimer's has difficulty in making good decisions.


And although this is a really honest look at the disease that is affecting a high profile celebrity, I question why his wife would mention that he u*inated in the corner of their bedroom or in the waste basket of a hotel bathroom.  Some things just should remain private.


Overall, this is a very good documentary and shows truthfully how someone slowly deteriorates.


God bless him!

I think the doctors felt that performing, singing, playing guitar was beneficial to him, at least for a while.  They did stop the tour after the Napa concert when things weren't going well and I guess he deteriorated too much to continue but it seemed to give him happiness.


It was sad and upsetting to watch.  I think his family seemed very loving and supportive. 

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Re: OT - Watching the Glen Campbell 'I'll Be Me' show...

I thought the show was very well done and it shed light on this horrible disease! Glen Campbell was a very talented man and I am sad that he is suffering from this disease.