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Nellie's TS for 1/3

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Not sure what it is but just wanted to give a heads up for it. My guess is it might be their laundry soda...that's what HSN often has about this time each year.Woman Happy

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Thanks for the info. I love Nellie’s! I still have the bucket from the last TS- just getting ready to open it. I don’t really need any right now but I will still check it out- if it’s a good deal I might still get it. 

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Thanks for the info.  That is the brand I use too.  I have a good supply though.

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I love Nellie's, too, @Tribesters. I'm on auto for the 500-load bucket. I bought it early last spring and I haven't even used half of it yet. Of course it's just me here, but still it's lasting me a long time!.

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I just opened the bucket from the last TS so I am good as far as supply.

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Add me to the list of love love love Nellie's!!


Love their dish detergent too. HeartHeartHeart

Posts: 56
Registered: ‎04-09-2010


Does anyone have a problem with Nellie's not getting odors out of clothes?  


I have been buying and do love it, but I noticed a few times that tshirts still smell.  I have 3 teenage boys who all do sports.  


Thanks for your help.

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@jc1457 wrote:


Does anyone have a problem with Nellie's not getting odors out of clothes?  


I have been buying and do love it, but I noticed a few times that tshirts still smell.  I have 3 teenage boys who all do sports.  


Thanks for your help.

@jc1457no, I can't say I've experienced that.  You might try smaller loads or you can add some vinegar to the wash load to neutralize odors.

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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Nellie's TS for 1/3

[ Edited ]

@jc1457 wrote:


Does anyone have a problem with Nellie's not getting odors out of clothes?  


I have been buying and do love it, but I noticed a few times that tshirts still smell.  I have 3 teenage boys who all do sports.  


Thanks for your help.


I had the stinky thing going on with my reusable microfiber mop pads. They started to really reek even after I washed them. I think part of the problem was I didn't let them get totally dry in the dryer and I would hang them to complete the process. A dryer will eliminate many odors but I wasn't thinking about it at the time. I ended up bleaching my mop pads to start fresh and now I keep them in the dryer until they are completely dry. I'm not sure if this sort of thing with the dryer will help but it did help me. @jc1457

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Registered: ‎05-27-2014

I love Nellie's laundry soda. I'm still using the huge bucket so I will pass for now, but thanks for letting us know about the TS. Someone asked if anybody had trouble with odors not being removed. For me, it's just the opposite. This is the only laundry soap that I have ever used where I don't have issues with clean vs. smelly clothes post wash, even in cold water. I find that amazing and the fact that is suds-less even more so. It really is a great product.

