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 Stop putting out food to see if most of the squirrels move on.

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Squirrels are cute from a distance but you don't want them anywhere near your house.  They can cause all kinds of problems.  We've discussed it at length before, so I won't repeat details.  Just be forewarned.

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Sweet memories came with a certain squirrel, also known as claire. I, rented a cottage amongst the trees, very quiet just the birds and squirrels, and a said rat who followed claire, because it thought i would give it food and water. The people before me trained claire to be a cute begger  and enjoyed coming into the house and making herself at home, she was very smart and made her visits short. They. taught her to get up on your lap and arm and stare you down, i guess thinking of ways to look cute, and she was. We remained friends until i decided to move back to my home. But. i will never forget claire, she was a special one and loved humans, she loved to curl up and lay on the rug and sleep, and when she woke up would look at me and go to the screen to be let her out again. Never a bad word to say about her, but that rat followed her as far as the stone wall, and i guess he was thinking of many ways to murder me and get some of the booty. I, loved to watch her coloring change with the seasons and carry her babies. She always came for her visits and never gave me an ounce of trouble. They make beautiful sounds as the birds do. Gave me a peaceful feeling, in which nature has the ability to calm a soul, and give peace. Solution would indeed be to grease pole below bird feeder. May all your animals that visit your home bring you much delight.

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[ Edited ]

I enjoy them, and have named them all. <3


They do some very funny antics,especially when they are playing.


I'm eagerly awaiting the new babies ,they should be comming to play in my yard very soon.


they have NEVER given me any problems in my lifetime of feeding them along with the birds

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I didn't mind feeding anybody & everybody when we had the double decker feeder, the corn spins and the salt licks and lived out in the country. But Mustache was not as cute as @moxie11 's Claire. (Well, cute in looks only.)


Moving from the country, we lived on the edge of town and only had the 1 feeder. Mustache was a little hog, and the birds used to make a fuss waiting for her to get done. She was mighty disappointed at the safflower fare, so off she trotted, along with her managerie. There were plenty of hickorys, walnuts & acorns, so she did not take my sympathy with her.

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We had problems with chipmunks and squirrels.  Our neighbor started feeding feral cats but they still hunted in our back yard.  We have a woods that borders our back yard so the cats loved coming here.  They never bothered us and while they were around we had no problems with the squirrels. 


Sadly,  our neighbor had to go into a nursing home and the cats have disappeared. Now we have so many squirrels I gave up on the idea of feeders. I miss the feral cats and she had a veteranarian friend give them all their shots so they couldn't give anything to other cats roaming the neighborhood. They had a devil of a time catching them! I thought that was very thoughtful of her.     

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Interesting that some posters mention the rats and mice that are drawn to bird feeders. I've been feeding birds since I bought my first home in the mid 70s, and I have never, ever seen a rat! I'm in my 8th home now....still feeding the birds (and squirrels and deer) but no rats. My cat has caught a few mice in our garage though!

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@Harpa wrote:

Use safflower only! Your cards & others will love it! Your downys, not so much. But it's the only thing the squirrels turn their noses at. Try it for a few weeks.


My one squirrel, Mustache, was as incorrigible as one could get, even scamming the "squirrel-proof" feeder. She also taught her little brats how, too.


Once the safflower was in, all the squirrels took a hike. It was the only way.


p.s. I did the squirt gun, also used a sling shot w/ peanuts!



Safflower seeds ... or oil?   I think I missed something ....  maybe just daydreaming about getting a high power squirt gun.  heh heh heh   Woman LOL

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@Tinkrbl44   Get one or two bird feeders that you hang up.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I need suggestions ..........


My former neighbor used to buy nuts at the dollar store and thought it was cute to feed them to the squirrels.   She liked them.  Well, the dear lady passed away last year.   The squirrels didn't get the memo.


I like to feed the birds that land on my terrace.  I want to attract BIRDS, only BIRDS.   You already know what's happening .... the squirrels now think the seeds are for them.


Obviously, It would make no sense to put up a sign that says "Birds Welcome, Squirrels Keep Out" ..... LOL


Short of not feeding the birds and hoping the squiirels go elsewhere .... anyone have any ideas?  I don't want to put something out that would repel squirrels .... and hurt the birds.     My sister half-jokingly asked if getting a couple high powered squirt guns might do the trick .... but I'm not really looking to become a sniper.


Asking for feedback, suggestions .... and what did or didn't work for you.  TIA!



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