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Not a fan of the wallpaper either.  I especially don't like the black vanity top with the brown wallpaper.

Man plans. God laughs.
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No, the wallpaper reminds me of wallpaper we had in our last house, when we first moved in, and it was in the main bath from floor to ceiling, and it took forever to get it down.....It actually would have been really pretty if it hadn't been everywhere.....Now wallpaper might be easier to remove, but 30 years ago it wasn't! lol.

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I actually like the wallpaper...


But the vanity, mirror, light fixtures, etc. are definitely clashing with it - If you're gonna go that bold with the walls, the accessories and fixtures should be very simple and understated (IMHO).

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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

You have got to be kidding...a real nightmare!

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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The too busy wallpaper takes away from the vanity and lights. I like calm and soft colors in the bathroom, this is not for me.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

NO WAY; I'd choose the trip to an outhouse first!

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Registered: ‎07-30-2019

I LOVE all of it, just NOT TOGETHER !!

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Good lord I would be constipated. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Love it!

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SUPER CHIC ~ Love it !!