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Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

Wednesday's you know what is a set of holiday polarfleece sheets in many patterns and colors. They are too cute!  I have a sheet fixation so I will get a new set!


Malden Mills TW XL Holiday Embroidered Polarfleece Sheet Set

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

Do you have any information about how deep the pockets on the fitted sheet are?  I love fleece sheets.  So cozy.  But I have Malden Mills fleece sheets that will not fit on my mattress unless I remove my featherbed.  I'm about ready to throw them away.

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

I checked out the measurements and it looks like all sizes are 18" deep. I have some that are going in the donation bag that also slip off the edges.


I have used the pins that s&*r*& into fabric and they are OK. Since I just got a new mattress, I will not be doing that for this mattress to keep sheets on.

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

These are too cartoonish and look like they're for kids.  Fortunately I got a set in the spring I never used.  I'm an adult, I don't want "cute" in my bedroom.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

Oh, jeez - there are several other holiday designs offered that aren't "cartoonish".


Personally, I'm not so old that I can't enjoy a light moment now and then or some "holiday cheer".  For anyone who buys these, enjoy and have fun!


I might order a set (even though I don't need them).  I just can't decide which design I like best, so I'll wait until they're presented.

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎06-16-2015

Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

I got the king lavender set a few weeks ago. My second have a sage set from the last TSV. I'm crazy about these sheets use them year round. Soft to the max, fit my oversize memory foam mattress too. Prefer them to flannel for the snuggle nature of the fabric. They wash well no pilling and dry really fast. The little embroidery is irreverent and fun as we r not stuffed shirts in the bedroom!!
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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

@flickerbulb wrote:

I checked out the measurements and it looks like all sizes are 18" deep. I have some that are going in the donation bag that also slip off the edges.


I have used the pins that s&*r*& into fabric and they are OK. Since I just got a new mattress, I will not be doing that for this mattress to keep sheets on.

Hi flicker: Do you find their polar fleece too hot for down in Florida?

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets



I use these sheets year round. They are sunggly and the top sheet is all I need especially in the summer. I don't like to sleep with a heavy blanket or comforter even with the air conditioner on.


Oddly enough, they are not hot to sleep on. I have several sets and these will replace some that I used so  much, I wore them out!


As for being too cartoonish for an adult, they are very subtle. I will put them on the bed when I take off the My Little Pony sheets that are on there now.

I think I like them better than my Power Ranger sheets, too!Heart

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

I love those sheets.  I have them from last year in sage, with ornament embroidery.  I have the grey set on my wish list right now (I can't remember the pattern, but I think it's pretty low-key).  I also have two sets of plain sage green.  DH and I both love the feel  but our bedroom gets a little "stuffy" (literally) in the summer and I find all cotton to be more comfortable in the warmer months.  Tim Gunn's pinstripe set in blue and linen are fabulous.

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Re: Malden Mills Polarfleece sheets

[ Edited ]

I wouldn't say these are cartoonish at all. They are typical holiday/winter prints and they aren't done in a juvenile, silly, caroon manner.  Most of them, with the exception of the lights and the ornaments, can be used all winter long and not just for the holidays.  And the scene is only on the trim right?  It's not like the entire flat and fitted sheet is that design. 


I don't need another set of sheets as I already have 2 sets of fleece sheets and that is enough for me for our bed.  But if I needed a set, I'd order the snowman in a minute.