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MG finials - I need your input!

Do you notice anything?  What is your opinion of my set?



Second picture...better angle:


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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

What is YOUR opinion?

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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

@PeterDM wrote:

What is YOUR opinion?


I think the one on the right, the medium one, leans/is crooked.  But, I don't know if I'm just seeing things!

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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

@sam96 wrote:

@PeterDM wrote:

What is YOUR opinion?


I think the one on the right, the medium one, leans/is crooked.  But, I don't know if I'm just seeing things!

Photos can be deceptive, so I'm not sure.  If they look crooked to you, and you're not happy, I would return the set and request a replacement, as this would not cost you anything.  It's early enough to get a new set back before the holidays.  I ordered 3 sets with the intention of keeping 2.  I've had bad experiences with receiving lit and/or glass products, so I ordered an extra set as "spare parts" and was smart to do so, as 2 out of 9 of the finials were defective.  I ended up with two good sets, as planned.

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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

The middle one looks like it is leaning to one side, or the top is slightly leaning.

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Posts: 536
Registered: ‎05-05-2015

Re: MG finials - I need your input!

Thank you for the advice.  I wish I had a small level, but I don't.  That's why I got a footstool and took the second pic straight on, as the first one I was reaching up.


Ugh!  This was my first finial purchase, and I was really wanting them to work. I will more than likely exchange them as you advised, as I don't think I'm convinced the medium one is truly vertical.  I'm too ocd for it to be less than perfect!

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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

@sam96 wrote:

Thank you for the advice.  I wish I had a small level, but I don't.  That's why I got a footstool and took the second pic straight on, as the first one I was reaching up.


Ugh!  This was my first finial purchase, and I was really wanting them to work. I will more than likely exchange them as you advised, as I don't think I'm convinced the medium one is truly vertical.  I'm too ocd for it to be less than perfect!

If you have a smart phone, there's probably an app with a level you could use, but test the surface on which they are sitting, too.

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Posts: 536
Registered: ‎05-05-2015

Re: MG finials - I need your input!

@Marsha2003 wrote:

@sam96 wrote:

Thank you for the advice.  I wish I had a small level, but I don't.  That's why I got a footstool and took the second pic straight on, as the first one I was reaching up.


Ugh!  This was my first finial purchase, and I was really wanting them to work. I will more than likely exchange them as you advised, as I don't think I'm convinced the medium one is truly vertical.  I'm too ocd for it to be less than perfect!

If you have a smart phone, there's probably an app with a level you could use, but test the surface on which they are sitting, too.

@Marsha2003 You're a genius...I have an iPhone 6 and I never thought of that! Thank you!!! 🙌

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Re: MG finials - I need your input!

Hi, the top of the one on the right looks like it's leaning to the right to me in the bottom pic. Then I look at the other two and they look like they are going a little to the left.  But, most time it depends on the angle that you're looking at.  They are pretty though.  I have the silver even though I prefer the warmth of gold if I can actually get one that's a true gold.  If it bothers you though, get a replacement.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: MG finials - I need your input!

I would just put a smidge of Scotch brand putty on the underside of whereever it needs to be lifted to straighten it out...and them put a piece of paper on the putty so you don't damage the furniture.

I have lost count of how many times I have done that with decor pieces!

For example, I just posted about VPH's peppermint trees I used for a few years til I finally gave them to Goodwill...just got tired of gingerbread decor.

Anyway, one of the green trees and one of the red trees kept on leaning even though the trees were pliable. Well, I got a small piece of putty for both trees and put it on the underside of each tree to lift it up in the area needed to have the trees stand straight.

I can get ocd too...I am definately a perfectionist, however, returning every single thing because it wasn't absolutely perfect to me is nutty too. Unfortunately it is hard to have these types of decor perfect everytime.

I wish you luck on your decision Smiley Happy