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The after is an improvement.  However, I don't care for the light fixture or the furniture in either picture.

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@50Mickey wrote:

I like the redo of the room with the built in white bookcases and the molding on the hood over the mantle Looks like they kept the same rug. Not crazy about the sofas. They look like Ikea sofas. But everything else is nice. Agree that the accessories on the book cases look like they don't belong in this room. But wow what a lighter paint color and a few changes can do for a dark room. 



I agree about the sofas and the cocktail table as well.  Too much of an Ikea vibe but I like all the room improvements themselves.  Needs better furnishings.

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The fact the redo is lighter is the only plus I see.  I do not care for the furniture or decor and the room needs color.  The coffee table appears too big and the style not appealing for me..

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That's a wonderful example of how "lightly colored walls bounce light".  They did a great redo, but the chandelier is too formal.

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I think the second picture looks great except for the chandelier. Love all the light colors and furniture and cabinets.

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It looks like they installed new windows possibly which made a huge difference. The first photo looked like a cave. Much better. 

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I like everything about the new room.  I could move right in.  The difference is light night and day.

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With all the light features, which I like, I would opt for dark furniture.  Love the new, big windows behind the couch.

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The redo is nice but I would stick with a little darker paint on the wall.  I've never been one of those "light and airy" types.  I think a little darker color on the wall is more warm and relaxing.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Certainly lighter and brighter after, but I'd want to start over with the furniture and other decor. I've never felt that interiors have to absolutely 'match' a house's style, but in this case, yes, I'd prefer to see a design more reflective of the house's bones.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...