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@AuntG  I haven't seen that show---will have to check it out.  Where we live, on the southern end of the Chesapeake in Virginia (near Yorktown, Williamsburg, Jamestown) it is quite flat and low.  We love it!!


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It is 70 degrees here too.  All my tombstone roses are out and jasmine smells delicious!

Re fresh eggs we get them locally too but some are brown some white and some blue and green - when I asked about  these colors was told it is their organic healthy diets!  All I can say is they are great eggs!

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Registered: ‎12-14-2015

Well spring is playing  games wintry  ice and some snow this dig me out,send me some sun...just kidding  it will come limping in like a drunk groom..  Spring ,spring come out to play,momma likes some sun....Maryanne 

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It is cold & dreary here today, just a couple of days of spring so far this season, I usually love the cold weather but this year I really want to see & feel the sun!

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@Mominohio. I don't want to one up you, I have my own hens. Fresh brown eggs every day. Some of my neighbors are Mennonite.

When I see the news or read things on Internet about cities I think, how do people live like that?

I know we miss out on culture, restaurants, shopping, but I will never leave my little farm.

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Registered: ‎08-30-2015

@Nomorebirthdays You are living the dream!

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@dulwich. No its the breed of chicken that produces colored eggs. Google Easter egg chickens, americuna a bantum breed. In general a white chicken will lay white eggs, colored chickens lay brown eggs.

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@Nomorebirthdays wrote:

@Mominohio. I don't want to one up you, I have my own hens. Fresh brown eggs every day. Some of my neighbors are Mennonite.

When I see the news or read things on Internet about cities I think, how do people live like that?

I know we miss out on culture, restaurants, shopping, but I will never leave my little farm.




I'm not gonna tell my husband you have chickens! He wants them in the worst way. I always put the stop to it, as I know I will be the only one tending to the work involved! 


He wants to keep bees too, but he's afraid of bees. So guess who would be doing all that work too.....? LOL

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

A few chickens are almost no work, feed them once a day. Water daily sometimes twice if below freezing, and get the eggs, they generally lay before noon. Eggs freeze too if it's cold enough. Do not need a rooster to get eggs. So they are pretty quiet.

I am not afraid of bees, husband is. They say bees sense fear. I wish I had learned more about keeping bees. He gets bit, I rarely do unless I step on one.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

@CareBears. Yes I am.