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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Kachina624 -- a chuckle for you (my non working ice maker)

I don't know why but I get a chuckle,  smirk & thankyou (and others too) every time I fill those "ice cube trays" which I never thought about! my old post --" grr ice maker dead.". 


Funniest thing, for many months I trekked over to our Clubhouse and filled bags of ice from golf maintenance area🙃.  Then you (and others I'm sure) asked "why not use ice cube trays?" 


And now I'm a expert filling ice cube trays -- too bad I wasn't as a kid😮. my dad used to get so mad  "Who took the last ice & didn't fill the trays?🤷‍♀️!  I was terrible blamed my brother😉.


Just thought I'd give you & others a chuckle...some light hearted humor .... thanks🙃🙂





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Posts: 70,343
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: @Kachina624 -- a chuckle for you (my non working ice maker)

Thanks for the grin @homedecor1 .  I always thought it was men who couldn't fill those trays.  Have a nice week-end!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment