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Posts: 10,194
Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Joy Mangano has a TS on HSN.  warmer/wax melts. variety of scents.  She has already sold over 90,000. 

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I can barely watch her.  She cannot complete a sentence! But don't they sell wax burners and melts at WalMart? And fuzzy hangers?

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Posts: 10,194
Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Yes I guess you can.  There are a lot of things on line you can get at Walmart.  There are people who like Joy, just like people who like Susan G.  I personally cannot watch her but I have a couple of pieces I purchased a few years ago.  I always enjoy the way Joy presents her things.  Very lovely and colorful. 

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You can buy a package of the  "sticks" at Ross for 5 bucks.   Of course, not the current aroma.........but they usually have vanilla.     I don't need a truckload of those things......just one or two for the Kitty's toilette.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Posts: 10,194
Registered: ‎12-22-2013

I did purchase the sticks from Ross, however I did not notice any scent at all.  I don't think the sticks work for me.  I decided to try the melts hoping they will be ok.  I love candles so I thought I would give the TS a try.  It was free shipping and the warmers are lovely.  I decided that I could purchase any melts if the forever fragrant ones are not what I want.  I know q has lanterns I have seen those at Ross as well, not sure if they are the same brand but they look the same.  I like Ross and TJMaxx.  Have a nice Sunday ladies.

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Posts: 33,580
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

You can buy those warmers and wax melts just about anywhere now.  Even Aldi gets that stuff in periodically. 


Joy's supposedly have some type of odor eliminator in them but I'm not falling for that stuff anymore.


I bought the odor eliminating sticks and they have no scent to them at all nor do they eliminate any odor.  Complete waste of money.


Then I fell for that air purifier that was a TS several months ago. That also had odor eliminating discs in them.  Again, there was no scent at all and I even put both of them in my unit.  Not only that, the purifier didn't purify anything.  I know they put that item on clearance to get rid of them. The reviews were pretty poor.