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Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

It's awful! 😄

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

I don't know where to look first. Not something I could live with.

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

Yuk  I have no idea what that is but it's not something I likel.

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

Isn't there a style known as Too Much?  I think this fits it.  hahaha



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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

Definitely dated grandma but, wow, that sofa looks soft and comfy.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

@Nonametoday wrote:




Well, the title of your thread drew me in ........  whoa.


This room sure is BUSY, isn't it?


Do you know what part of the country this is?  

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

Wow - none of the above! I guess you could say eclectic, but I wouldn't even say that.



 It's really not my style. If someone gave me everything in that room I would turn around and sell it all!    Smiley Wink

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

I remember 30 years ago when Shabby Chic was popular and I wanted cabbage rose upholstery.  But, didn't.  Too feminine when males outnumbered my daughter and I.


I don't see anything Boho, Coastal or Eclectic here?

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Re: Is this Boho, Grandma Coastal or Eclecticism

None of the above!!  I would call it a big mess.  No grandma would even live with it.