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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Has anyone ever put icicle lights (with green wire) on an indoor tree?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have never done that but I bet if you were very care full how you arranged them it would make a stunning tree to look at. I think you have a good idea doing that. Lord knows I have enough icicle lights I could probably do 10 homes and still have lots left.

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Which type of icicle lights? The ones that are varying lengths of green wire with the little lights on them, or the icicle lights with long clear plastic tubes (icicles) at the end?

I think they would look great on a tall tree...ours is only 6.5' would probably look a bit odd. However, it seems that almost anything looks great on a tree nowadays.

I couldn't even find a video on you-tube...checked to see if anyone else decorated that way. If you do decide to put them on your tree, PLEASE post a pic!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Regular Contributor
Posts: 170
Registered: ‎03-12-2010
On 11/14/2014 Susan Louise said:

Which type of icicle lights? The ones that are varying lengths of green wire with the little lights on them, or the icicle lights with long clear plastic tubes (icicles) at the end?

I think they would look great on a tall tree...ours is only 6.5' would probably look a bit odd. However, it seems that almost anything looks great on a tree nowadays.

I couldn't even find a video on you-tube...checked to see if anyone else decorated that way. If you do decide to put them on your tree, PLEASE post a pic!!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Yes, the ones that have the varying lengths. I thought it would make the "stringing" process much easier! I hope it does, anyway. I tried to find a you tube on this too..nothing. I will post a pic!