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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

[ Edited ]

@house_cat ...............Im not a youtube watcher,  but there is one thing on your list that I agree with.


I do not make my bed.  Top covers are just lapped half over the foot of the bed.  This keeps the dust mites at bay.  I also spray my bed with Lysol Disinfectant Spray and wash sheets weekly in hot water and dry on hot.  This helps to kill germs, bacteria and dust mites.  


When sheets are being laundered I spray the mattress pad & pillows with Lysol and leave it exposed all day, this also helps with dust mites.  When I launder the mattress pad I spray the mattress and leave exposed all day.


I read this advise somewhere years ago and have been doing this since.



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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

[ Edited ]

For a lot of us "washing the dishes" means "running the dishwasher"...which I don't need to do every day since there are only 2 of us. Anything that needs handwashing usually does get done the day it's used.


While we were working, the bed rarely got made--even DH said "why bother, we're just going to get back into it 3 hours after we get home!" In the year we've been retired, it gets made most days, mostly because I'm home looking at it more! I admit--the room looks instantly tidier with it done. I dust, and vacuum the house, thoroughly clean kitchen and my bathroom every 2 weeks, DH cleans his own bathroom. Mop floors when I think they need it, which isn't very often. Again, there are only 2 of us here. 


"Fairly tidy, and reasonably clean" is my motto!

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

I'm not a fanatic clean freak but I simply cannot imagine leaving dirty dishes for a week!  That is just gross!!  Maybe if I were sick or was so busy between work and multiple young children I can see giving someone a break.  


However in my world, dishes get washed after being used every day, clothes get placed on hangers or folded (I hate looking like a rumpled slob) and as for the bed, I will smooth it out but not always really "make" it.

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

@kitcat51 @The cat! That's funny! Made me laugh!😊

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

@haddon9 wrote:

I'm not a fanatic clean freak but I simply cannot imagine leaving dirty dishes for a week my world, dishes get washed after being used every day, clothes get placed on hangers or folded (I hate looking like a rumpled slob)



The first thing I do, when I get up, is make the bed - The bedroom looks so much neater, and it signals the start of my day.

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

@Sooner wrote:

Kids haven't been taught reponsibility and standards are far lower now.  It's a dirty messy world with not so much pride.  Entitlement yes; pride not so much.


The kid across the street from us just finished his 3rd year of college.

He has never had a part time job after school, doesn't help with yard work, snow shoveling, bringing grocery bags in from the trunk.  He'll walk past the garbage can 4 times and not even look it or think it should be brought in.

He's home every weekend from college with a bag full of dirty laundry, I guess for dear old mom to take care of for him.

Last week I watched his father wash his car for him.

All blame lays on the parents for never making him do a thing.

The only time I ever saw the father get po'd was during a snow storm.  The kid left his car in the street to be plowed in with boulders of frozen snow and ice.  He made him dig it out.

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Re: I've been watching YouTube and here's what I've learned...

I’ve made my bed every day since I was six. My SO leaves for work after me. Never makes the bed. Not worth the fight, close the door. He’s not like this in other areas of the house, so I just don’t get it. I do the dishes after any are accumulated several times a day.