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Registered: ‎08-13-2013

I found a solution for the problem

Of the mud sparrows nesting on my porch. I was working on a 4th oh July wreath and it dawned on me that some if the garland that I was not going to use I could see if hanging it up on the porch would keep them away. I cut the garland in several pieces. I put a piece around each of my owls like a boa. I then wrapped a piece around the light fixture near the front door and another piece was wrapped around a standing lantern on the other side of the doors. Now they fly in and fly out. It is a miracle. The garland is very shiny.
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Re: I found a solution for the problem

They are scared of it now because it is new; but unless you change things frequently to continue throwing them off, they will adjust to it and no longer be afraid.

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Registered: ‎07-25-2010

Re: I found a solution for the problem

The best way to keep birds away is with a barrier. Some netting or spikes works well. A cat works well too.

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Posts: 1,113
Registered: ‎08-13-2013

Re: I found a solution for the problem

On 6/3/2014 RedTop said:

They are scared of it now because it is new; but unless you change things frequently to continue throwing them off, they will adjust to it and no longer be afraid.

I know that. I ordered a bunch of things off of amazon that I will use to change it around.
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Posts: 1,113
Registered: ‎08-13-2013

Re: I found a solution for the problem

On 6/3/2014 brewhaha said:

The best way to keep birds away is with a barrier. Some netting or spikes works well. A cat works well too.

Allergic to cats.
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Posts: 958
Registered: ‎02-06-2014

Re: I found a solution for the problem

Good for you

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Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: I found a solution for the problem

On 6/3/2014 ~moxie~ said:
On 6/3/2014 brewhaha said:

The best way to keep birds away is with a barrier. Some netting or spikes works well. A cat works well too.

Allergic to cats.

It's probably for the best that you are allergic. I just had to clean up barfed up bird remains off the basement floor, that our "bird controller" just had to indulge in. Love my cats, but it gets old cleaning up their work!!