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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

I think it's great. I don't worry about what will happen when I sell my house that now has a lot of colors. You just have to paint it some neutral color before you sell it, don't think it's a big deal.
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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

Happy Housewife, that room sounds like something I'd love.
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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

This brings back a memory from when I was a kid. My Mom fell in love with this deep rose color paint. Dad was an artist, and tried to tell her that the color would overwhelm the room and suggested perhaps using that color as an accent color with accessories instead, but she nagged and nagged until he finally painted the entire living room for her. In less than a month my Mom HATED the color and nagged and nagged and nagged Dad until he re-painted the living room which was quite a task because covering that deep rose color took multiple coats of paint. Admire to this day Dad's restraint in not telling her I told you so!

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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

On 4/4/2014 cyndog said: I think it's great. I don't worry about what will happen when I sell my house that now has a lot of colors. You just have to paint it some neutral color before you sell it, don't think it's a big deal.

You are right but hopefully if someone goes to sell, they will not be under unexpected stress with all the problems that can come up. In those circumstances, it isn't all that difficult to paint especially if someone has help or is a good painter and good at any prep work that must be done.

I've seen too many friends go through having to sell under less than optimal conditions (such as finding they have a serious illness or a family member does) and the more they have to do to prepare the property to get the best price, the more stress.

Everyone's circumstances differ so there are different considerations. When the real estate market goes down and a person, for example, might find themselves being laid off or unemployed and having to sell property to avoid foreclosure, money is usually tight and the less work done in order to sell = most profit. There are just so many unforeseen things that happen beyond anyone's control so I've learned through my own experiences what works and what doesn't for me.

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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

I love it!

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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

I love it! I have my library/sitting room off my bedroom painted that color with red and gray accents. My husband did not care for it at first but he warmed up to it after awhile. I think color on the walls is great, plus you can always repaint if after awhile it you don't like it.
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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

I understand what you're saying Classique, but for me I couldn't live in a whole house with Navajo white walls no matter what future circumstances might bring. I guess I'd have to take the chance that someone else that likes to paint would buy my house as is. I'm editing to add my kitchen and bathroom are painted a high gloss true white, but future buyers would just have to paint the rest if desired and my circumstance rendered me unable to.
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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

On 4/4/2014 cyndog said: I understand what you're saying Classique, but for me I couldn't live in a whole house with Navajo white walls no matter what future circumstances might bring. I guess I'd have to take the chance that someone else that likes to paint would buy my house as is. I'm editing to add my kitchen and bathroom are painted a high gloss true white, but future buyers would just have to paint the rest if desired and my circumstance rBendered me unable to.

I know what you mean as I couldn't stand the Navaho white which was on the walls here when I bought the house and that is when I had the great room painted "calfskin (I remember now what that shade of peach was called)" by Dunn Edwards. Then I used cottage white, antique white and Swiss coffee and ended up with what I have all throughout now which is close to what you have in your kitchen and bath. The finish on the walls in the living areas is not high gloss though and IIRC it is called "eggshell" or "low sheen." The painter I used recommended Benjamin Moore as now being in his opinion the best paint although this same man used Dunn Edwards before.

You probably know this but any future buyer who didn't like your colors would probably factor the cost of painting into their offer to you if they were going to go ahead and make an offer. Again there are so many variables that come into this.

Have fun with your project and enjoy it. It is good you are able to take your time thinking about this now and aren't worried about the future too much. It looks like you are in the desert so your taste goes with Southwest décor and that style lends itself more easily to rooms of different colors than some others such as cottage, traditional or country.

When you finish, I'd love to see pics and perhaps you could use some nice flowering cactus plants around that would tie everything together if you wanted to along with baskets, candles, etc. There are just so many nice things available these days at reasonable prices.

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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

If you love it, then do it. Since you can't take your walls with you, enjoy them while you are here!

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Re: I am going to have my great room and kitchen repainted in a couple months

Ha, ha, thanks for your reply Classique, very nice. I am in the desert, but my house is the opposite of anything Southwest style. It's a totally 1940's/1950's vintage cottage style. I sell vintage as a little business and love it. My place is as done as it's going to be, although my husband is now itching to paint the bathroom a vintage aqua, ha, ha. Someday I'll figure out how to send pictures, ha, ha. I'm sure your house is lovely. Oh, I just realized why you thought my house wasn't done, I meant I was editing my post, not my house. Best regards.