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How do you dust your furniture?

The term "dusting" means different things to different people, and involves different equipment and perhaps chemicals for each individual. My mom never even calls it dusting, but calls it 'polishing'.


When you dust, what do you use and how do you do it?


It varies for me. 


Sometimes I use a damp Supercloth, and remove everything from the furniture, wipe it down, then wipe down everything as I put it back, If there is a doily, it gets shaken outside. 


Other times, I think the furniture is looking like it needs more 'shine' and I get out the Pledge. I usually spray onto a rag, not the furniture, and polish the wood up really good.


I never liked feather dusting (actually just dust rearranging!!), but I did get some of those Campanelli long handled dusters, and while I don't care to do regular dusting with them, the are great for ceiling fans, behind large piece of furniture that can't easily be moved, and for cobwebs up high at the ceiling level.


I think some people are really regimented in their dusting procedures, products and processes and others mix it up, so how do you dust your furniture?

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

When I first saw the title here I could not help but think of Lily Munster and her version of dusting around the Munster home. LOL. I like a feather duster too, but do use products like Pledge on my wood furniture.

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

My Swifter - love that thing.   Gets in all the nooks and crannies.

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

[ Edited ]

I use Pledge Multi Surface.


It cleans both glass and wood. 


I hate dusting.  That's why I don't like a lot of knick knacks.  I have a lot of dark furniture   I wind up dusting every couple of days so it doesn't build up too much.



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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

Only a swiffer duster for me; I do not use any furniture polish.   

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

I dust my furniture with microfiber (Q) and furn. spray. Floors, with swiffer.


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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

A microfiber duster from QVC and Swiffer on the floors.
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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

A California Car Duster. I have a large one with a long handle and a smaller one. Yep, it was made for dusting cars off but works great inside the house. It claims the dirtier it gets the better it works and I found that to be true. It really grabs the dust instead of shifting it around. Also picked up something new, well new to me, at the grocery store recently to try called Clorox Triple Action Dust Wipes, they also grab the dust good but one will do one room then you need another one. I had ordered that Campanelli duster combo of the fluffy dusters and cloth type wipes to try some time ago but all I saw was dust flying when I used them.

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

@RedTop wrote:

Only a swiffer duster for me; I do not use any furniture polish.   

I agree with RedTop and MominOhio. To clean I use a dampened cloth followed immediately with a dry towel.  To dust, I use a Swiffer.  I do have one exception, though.  We have an Art Deco dining room set, and I use Milsek on it.

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Re: How do you dust your furniture?

For the most part I admit I don't dust anymore because I have a housekeeper who comes every 2 weeks. HOWEVER - she is currently recovering from having carpal tunnel surgery so I am temporarily doing my own housework. I like to use a product I buy at Home Depot called Swiffer Dust & Shine in gain detergent scent. I love that scent! It is a multisurface spray cleaner and then a microfiber rag. I can use it on wood furniture, my leather and my shutters. Any place where ai can't easily reach I use one of those microfiber long handle dusters.