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Housekeeping Process

[ Edited ]

Aloha housekeeper aficionados! What is your process for efficient, yet effective housekeeping? For example, do you tackle one room at a time and do everything (dusting, windows, vacuuming, etc.), or do you clean the whole house top to bottom (dust whole house, clean all windows, vacuum all floors last). If neither, how do you go about it! Please share. ❤️

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I've done both and depending if I know I'll be interrupted or not will choose one or the other.  If I feel I'm going to be interrupted (count all the years we were raising our boys) then I'd take one room at a time!  So often I'd start dusting the whole house and that's all I'd end up being able to to.... LOL.


I keep a clean and tidy house BUT DH, kids and even the dog come before.... and will interrupt my cleaning.  


Now that no one really interrupts me anymore... either way suits me as long as it gets done!  Woman LOL

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Used to do the whole house at one time, loved having it all clean & fresh, nowadays it's usually one room at a time, different lifestyle, don't entertain like before, drop-ins have dwindled, many rooms don't get used as much as they were (dining room, living room, etc) I mostly use the kitchen, so that's a priority & also the bathrooms & my bedroom, in the Summer of course it's the yard which takes up a lot of time.  Also my energy level isn't what it used to be

Have had a cleaning lady on & off, especially when I was working, but they don't really clean like "you" do, now I'm on the hunt again for a good one, reasonably priced.

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@SurferWife wrote:

Aloha housekeeper aficionados! What is your process for efficient, yet effective housekeeping? For example, do you tackle one room at a time and do everything (dusting, windows, vacuuming, etc.), or do you clean the whole house top to bottom (dust whole house, clean all windows, vacuum all floors last). If neither, how do you go about it! Please share. ❤️



Aloha @SurferWife

I pretty much do one room at a time rather than all rooms at once, but in between, I do maintain each on a daily/weekly - as needed basis.

In May or June of this year, I remember that @Mominohio outlined her cleaning procedure in a thread, which I'm unable to locate at the moment, and the way that she explained her method, really inspired me.  Her method is so efficient and stress-free . . . I hope @Mominohio  will see this and will comment.  Smiley Happy

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As for me, I hate to do paperwork and clean the house.  I put both off as long as possible.  Just thinking about it makes me irritated.




I don't like things laying around, so I keep everything put away as much as possible.  That way, when I get the urge to swing the dust cloth around, I can just roll from one room to the next.  I don't mind vac. & cleaning the bathrooms.  I keep our bedroom and bath cleaned up most every week.  Vac when I feel something under my feet.  Dust when I can write my name on the night stand.


It's really not that bad, but close, very close. ha

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"but they don't really clean like "you" do"

They do if you pay them to do it!


Mine has a notebook of all their clients.  It lists everything that you want them to do or NOT to do.  After cleaning my house, I get a copy of the check off list.  Anything that was not done or not to my specification(s), my next cleaning is free!

Since I am a looooooog time customer w/the same girls, my notebook is not needed. Also, every 10th cleaning is FREE!!!!! yahoo.gif


When I retired, the company thought I would no longer need them.  Well, they were soooooo wrong!...............



HATE HOUSEKEEPING!!!!!! icon_exclaim.gif

Expert at straightening up!!!!! whistling.gif

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When i was young and able I used to get up early on my day off - bathe the dog first and either put her outside or in the winter in her crate , then sort and start the laundry and between laundry loads throughly clean my house. When I was done I was exhausted but it was the only way I could have my other day off to enjoy myself. Now , at 67, and with a very bad arthritic back it takes me 3 days to get the house marginally clean, and totally exhausts me so I instead have a lady who cleans for me every 2 weeks. She is fabulous and has made my retirement enjoyable instead of a torture trying to get housework done that I can't really do well.

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@alliswell wrote:

@SurferWife wrote:

Aloha housekeeper aficionados! What is your process for efficient, yet effective housekeeping? For example, do you tackle one room at a time and do everything (dusting, windows, vacuuming, etc.), or do you clean the whole house top to bottom (dust whole house, clean all windows, vacuum all floors last). If neither, how do you go about it! Please share. ❤️



Aloha @SurferWife

I pretty much do one room at a time rather than all rooms at once, but in between, I do maintain each on a daily/weekly - as needed basis.

In May or June of this year, I remember that @Mominohio outlined her cleaning procedure in a thread, which I'm unable to locate at the moment, and the way that she explained her method, really inspired me.  Her method is so efficient and stress-free . . . I hope @Mominohio  will see this and will comment.  Smiley Happy




You make me blush! I do remember that thread, and wish I knew how to search for it. I don't think I started it, but was replying to someone, and I don't remember when or what actual forum.


I love housekeeping. Always have. Even though I don't mind doing housework, it still needs to be efficient, as I don't have the strength or stamina I once did!


First and foremost, a place for everything, and everything in it's place or the house will never look clean (even if it is clean underneath the stuff). People confuse (in my opinion) straightening/pickingup/putting away, with actual cleaning. In my mind they are two completely different things.


The daily/weekly cleaning takes little time if one lives a life of order and neatness, and not overcrowding (and that is subjective to each of us, my nicely decorated is another's clutter).


When I get up in the morning, I put the house to rights. Beds made, everything tidied and put away, morning dishes done, and bathrooms are quick cleaned daily (sinks, counters, toilets cleaned....only takes 5 minutes in each bathroom). This process never takes more than an hour at the very most, for a three bedroom two bath house. At this point, even if dusting, floors etc need done, the house looks clean and presentable for anyone dropping in, or should I decide to skip any actual cleaning because something 'better' comes up!


When it comes to actual cleaning, I read something a long time ago that kind of stuck. The person said that tearing down a whole house at once can be overwhelming so do the big jobs in stages as needed for different rooms and don't let it all compile until the whole house needs completely overhauled at once.


In other words, clean the windows one month (and do the curtains at that time), wash walls the next, steam clean the carpets another, clean out closets yet another. Or if it feels better to have each room completely done at once, top to bottom, do the master bedroom one month, the bathrooms the next, the spare room another month, the kitchen after that, etc. until the house is completely done. Do everything from windows to walls to carpets to linens, and clean out all drawers and closets in that room, before moving on to the next. Most people will thoroughly clean the entire house once a year, and can tend to basic housekeeping the rest of the time. Taking one room per month, spending one or two days on it, breaks heavy cleaning down to a much more manageable task for most people. Many can imagine spending one to three days completely cleaning a room thoroughly if that is the only deep cleaning they have to do till next month.


And I guess the OP's question was actually about housekeeping!


The weekly cleaning stuff I tend to break down by floor, these days. We have three levels in our house.


I tackle the bedrooms one day (change beds, dust, deep clean bathrooms, clean floors, wipe baseboards and ceiling fans).


Another day during the week, I do the main floor, kitchen dining room and living room, dust, vacuum, wipe kitchen cabinets, sanitize kitchen floor.


A third day, I do the family room.


In the warm weather months, I wipe off the screens and window sills in the doors and windows weekly (a quick job, only takes 10 minutes to do the whole house and keeps a ton of dirt  from blowing in, just try it once) as we don't have air, and windows and doors are open all season.


I used to love to tear into my whole house in one day and was able to complete it as well, but the house is now bigger, the stuff is more, and the body performs slower. I miss what I used to be able to get accomplished!

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I find myself cleaning one room at a time more often than I used to.  Sometimes I clean all the toilets in the house in the same day but don't do the entire bath.  I'll come back the next day and do another chore in each bath until they are all clean.

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While I'm not a particularly private person, I can't imagine letting someone come in and clean my house.  I'd worry about things like tax records and paycheck stubs being viewed and perhaps used illegally.  Just reading other responses, I would consider my house tidy, but not nearly as clean as some.  One thing I'm glad we no longer have are pets in the house - I had to do a lot more cleaning when I had a cat and dog.