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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I recieved an email via facebook from my nephew whom I have not seen since my brother put him up for adoption with he was 2 years old. He is now 20. Over the years I have written him cards and letter but they were always returned unopend. I just kept writing and not mailing. I have a box of them. Should I give the box to him our first visit? Should I buy him a gift? If so what(cash)? I am worried he will get upset when he sees me. I hope to have a nurse here to put me in a wheelchair and some make up. Should she stay here the whole time? I don't that he knows about my illnesses.

Doug has kept up with him more than I but we wont be able to talk until Friday. Skype is down.


I had a major surgery on 9/11 and have been in the hospital all over the state, Emory, Hughston, St Francis. 6 surgeries later and I still feel badly. But I am home now and home the tests next week don't put me back there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.