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Help for clothes wet too long

We had a laundry basket that had clothes in it and our basement had water back up and into the basket. We didn't notice it right away. I tried rewashing them, adding vinegar, but that didn't help. Do I have to throw them away or have any of you had success getting rid of the smell?

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

@geegerbeeWe have had success with the Oxy products for many stains and strange problems.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I've not used it on anything really bad, but I have Out Prowash odor eliminator detergent. It says it powers out trapped odors including musty smells.For use on all washable fabrics. I guess I got it at Walmart.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

This is a job for a box of 20 Mule Team Borax, found near the bleach in grocery stores. Soak your clothes in a solution of this for hours or overnight. Add this to the washer when you run them thru a regular cycle. I suggest line drying. If a smell is still noticeable, wash again. Do not dry these items in a dryer until the odor is gone.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I would try bleach if the fabric can tolerate bleach. There are laundry sanitizer products available which might be worth a try if you can't use bleach.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I use this Don Aslett product for all my stinky problems. It even gets that horrid musty smell out of imported denim jeans. This is the only size QVC carries so I get a 1qt bottle on Amazon a lot cheaper. It's very concentrated.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I have had good luck with Pooph, it's not cheap but worth it to me. $25.00 at Amazon.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer. It really works on stinky stuff as well as getting rid of 99% of germs.


Lysol Laundry Sanitizer Crisp Linen Detergent Booster - 90oz

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I suggest Lysol Laundry Sanitizer as well. I love this stuff. I use it for towels, small rugs, dog beds and sometimes my sheets.

You can soak already washed items in it as well.

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Re: Help for clothes wet too long

I also love the lysol sanitizer,and the borox can be added to your laundry detergent.

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