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Registered: ‎04-18-2010

Annual Bath and Body Works Candle Sale

Didn't think to post earlier...

Starts today online and in stores

Best price for the year...$9.95

Nice candles, lots of choices, great price.

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Re: Annual Bath and Body Works Candle Sale

@avid shopper

Thank you!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,771
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Annual Bath and Body Works Candle Sale

i got a few, bought about 8a and a couple i wanted were already sold out. darn. this was my first year, buying.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,593
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Annual Bath and Body Works Candle Sale

I went over to the store yesterday afternoon and grabbed a bunch, which was my first time in store in a couple of years (I figured today would just be way too crowded). They still had some fall candles too (good for me as I only like to buy fall and winter scents). And I definitely found some new ones that I didn't see online either - usually online has a better selection, but it's possible some already sold out since they had started earlier in the day.