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Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Have been seeing them when I've been out & about & think I might jump in next time I see one. I've heard they're very relaxing to use & certainly have beautiful pictures. Also need some colored pencils, I guess. Has anyone here used them?

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Yes, I have a few different books.  I splurged on a nice set ot artist quality colored pencils. It is fun and relaxing.

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

I went to a local hobby and craft store and bought myself an adult coloring book and colored pencils as I had seen them advertised.  It is alot of fun and very relaxing.  Go for it!!

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Yes! I first came across them at the breast cancer center waiting room.  They were always there for all the patients to use.  I have purchased several myself but I prefer to use fine line colored markers.  They are very relaxing.

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Might be interesting for a waiting room but I can think of a thousand things I would rather do otherwise
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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

I've looked at many of them in the stores and find them intriguing. But I think I'd go nuts trying to color into the tiny areas of the designs. I'm passing for now.

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

I find I prefer pencils to markers

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Adult coloring books?  Is that like x-rated pictures that you color in??  Is this for real?  I'm so confused and a little disturbed.

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

Yes and I love them!! I have several different themed ones and they are a lot of fun and very relaxing. I use colored pencils and fine tipped artist markers.

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Re: Have you gotten into adult coloring books?

@PeterDM wrote:

Adult coloring books?  Is that like x-rated pictures that you color in??  Is this for real?  I'm so confused and a little disturbed.



Ha! When I first heard about these I thought the same thing! And I thought wow, people talk about these on a forum!


Then I saw them online and now in stores.


They actually remind me of some of the artwork of the 1960's. Very intricate patterns and many have a kind of psychedelic look to them.


I think I'd go crazy with attempting to get them perfect. I'd obsess over the color palette for each one, and getting just the right colors in just the right places.


It is supposed to be relaxing, and I'd just make a stressful obsession out of the whole thing!