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Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

Any recommendations or experience?  I've heard everything from baking soda past to peanut butter.

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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

I would hesitate to use peanut butter on leather.  There is oil in peanut butter which could very well soak into the leather leaving a stain.


I would try going on You Tube to see if there may be an instructional video on removing items from leather.  Or, google the question.


Best of luck, I hope you find your answer soon.

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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

I wonder if you could freeze it with an ice cube and then carefully scrape it off.
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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?


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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

@rms1954 Do you have a leather goods store in your area?  If you do, I would stop in and ask them.


Here is my story.  I had just put down a new stair runner carpet which was light in colour.  I had the phone repair person go up the pole for service.  He then came in the house without removing his boots and walked up the stairs leaving petroleum grease from the pole on the stair.  I tried to clean it and all it did was smear.  I found a local company that installed industrial carpet and they pointed me to a cleaner to remove petroleum grease.  It worked like a charm.  My vote is find a local expert if you can and ask.


Good luck!

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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

I second the ice cube recommendation. Freeze it and make it brittle and it should chip off easily. 

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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

I would also try ice.

I would be afraid WD40 or pb will stain the leather.
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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

Always my first go-to is YOUTUBE.

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Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

I would try Goo Gone...

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Getting Gum off Leather Chair?

@Susan Louise wrote:

I would try Goo Gone...

@Susan Louise 

That's the only thing I would try without seeking professional help.