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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Love everything except those very hard chairs!!!  OUCH - those things hurt the body!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I don't think it's something I'd have chosen myself, but I could certainly live with it.  It's quite cheerful, with clean lines.  The only thing I think I'd have to get rid of is that adjustable grey light.  I just think that would manage to keep getting in the way and knocked about.

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Registered: ‎08-03-2013

First impression: I like it with a few modifications. Although that vase in the center of the table is pretty, it's not needed since there is other greenery close by. Also I would get tired of having to move the flowers at mealtimes; you couldn't have a conversation with it blocking the view. The chairs would need to be replaced with something similar that has padding/cushions.


On second thought, I would tire of this within six months or so.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Nope.  Don't like anything about it!

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Registered: ‎10-01-2013

I like the flooring and flowers, nothing else.

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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

I like nothing 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 512
Registered: ‎12-18-2013

amazing . i love everything in it..

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Registered: ‎04-14-2013

It pretends to be shabby chic but I would bet it was expensive.


Anytime there are houseplants, though, I think it's nicer.  I like "Scan" style, though I don't love the colors in the cabinets (separately, I like them but not together like that) and I'm not a fan of tile walls.


I'm not a fan of pendant lighting either.  Funny, a rag rug in front of the sink, and there's a trip-worthy threshold from the dining area up.  If there's a couch in the (apparent) nook to the right of the table, I would like that.


Floors are pretty.

Cogito ergo sum
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Posts: 8,625
Registered: ‎03-10-2013

Love it!!♥️