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That jumbled up mess is too much for my brain to handle.... absolutely horrible!

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Nope to all of it. That wallpaper makes me dizzy.

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I love the table.


The wall paper is reminiscent of the 50's and 60's into the 70's.  IMO, the popular design that marked this period of time wasn't good.  I never liked turquoise kitchens, the kitchen tables and chairs out of aluminum and other elements seen at that time.


As a child I already recognized bad design.


1950's Dinette Set - click image to enlarge

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I don’t like the gold curtains.   I think they are over the top.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
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@lolakimono Oh lordy NO WAY!

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Not for my home but I sure would like to be friends with the people that live there.  Bet they are a lot of fun.

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the only things that appeal to me in that room are the rug and those lamps.  

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Wee bit too funky for me.  Not crazy about the 'invisible' chairs either, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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@Bird mama Wow!  Those invisible chairs.  I missed them the first time I looked at all of the other distractions in the room, from that hideous painting to the blinding and bizarre wallpaper.  Way too much for my eyes to register, much less appreciate.  

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@Jersey Born   Yep, that's what I'm talking about.  A person could be so distracted by the funk, they miss the chair Woman Very Happy  I'm laughing as I'm typing this.  Those invisible chairs are an accident waiting to happen.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise