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Hi! This post is all in fun I'm loving you motivated me😘


PLEASE stop posting your beautiful decor, holiday ideas, & organizing /purging ideas....


I'm exhausted thanks to you "motivating" me!  After 3 days of just my guest room clean up and guess what I found in the "never ending closet" 2 boxes unopened with LNL pantry sets and rectangular nesting set🙄, A set of glass bowl LNL, 4 nice sets of temptations, and of course other UNused items!  Guess I'll have a good return at my yard sale because I never remembered they were in closet so guess they were my "impulse" buying moments!


The hardest part is going to be parting with excess clothing! Tomorrow, I plan to tackle my closet (large walk in) -- I do have to admit I love looking at the fresh new look! Do you need any containers because after purging I've got lots of them....haha!



Well the guest room is ready so now you can come on down!


I have re-organized my pantry and I'm planning on moving my baking supplies (sprinkles, cake decorating stuff, etc.) in there vs. in my walk-in.


Thanks for motivating me & sharing your beautiful home, decor and more!!!!!





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Looking good! Isn't it amazing how much stuff we cram into a spare room?!! I'm thinking it ought to be an Olympic sport!


I'm loving the quilt in your room (and the rest of it for that matter!). Is this 'my room' when I get there? If so, I may never leave!


I'm on hold and doing some little jobs, cleaned out the battery drawer today (yes, I have an entire, pretty big drawer just for batteries....that is how many flameless candles and lit holiday items I have! My bigger projects are waiting on those Origami shelves and more of those storage boxes from here!


Keep up the good work! 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: For @mominohio

[ Edited ]





yes I have a container full of every size batteries I never want to run out - love my flameless candles! My solare ones have died (1 yr old 😤) have you tried the mirage ones on Q? Luminara I think are too expensive right now as I would need quite a few.


oh and look whose exhausted from watching me all day!



Yes this is the guest room which is ready! Believe me I'd love to meet many of the nice people I've met here -- wouldn't that be fun! 






Im going to the beach for the weekend to celebrate my friends 85th bday although they are calling for rain & cold temps (60). But we will enjoy great lobster dinner at our fav restaurant on the water.


As for Olympic sport lol. I downsized when I moved from a 3500 sq ft home (4 bedroom, garage, basement) so I had lots of closets & storage to put stuff now I'm in a 2100 sq ft villa with limited closet, storage's a challenge for sure. Someday I'm going to get hubby to empty attic so I can see what I've been keeping up there - then again I probably didn't need it if I haven't seen it in 4 years!🤔


you are right it is invigorating to know what I have & it's in the right place! I have that shelving system from HSN, 2 chest of drawers in my "storage room" which was my laundry room but the previous owner had the laundry moved into garage (when house was built) - I don't like it but live with it!


Enjoy your days of relaxing!



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@homedecor1  Looking good !  What an adorable ki-ki. Heart

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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thank you @pattypeep!!! I think my OCD is working OT & more I have no desire to buy a thing or tune into Q!  My kitty (Frack) is enjoying exploring the empty space & sleeping in the empty containers...while his brother (Frick) has no interest! boy, I don't hire good helpers!!! Lol



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@homedecor1 wrote:

thank you @pattypeep!!! I think my OCD is working OT & more I have no desire to buy a thing or tune into Q!  My kitty (Frack) is enjoying exploring the empty space & sleeping in the empty containers...while his brother (Frick) has no interest! boy, I don't hire good helpers!!! Lol




OMG  @homedecor1....Frick and Frack! How cute!


Someone a long time ago in our lives had two cats and named them Huntley and Brinkley! (Anyone who gets that is beginning to show their age!!).


WE have a mamma and her daughter (used to have others but they are gone now), and because we weren't planning on keeping them (found them in the barn just after she had the FIRST litter) we didn't waste a lot of thought on names, just gave them quick ones till we found homes for them. So 8 years later, we have Mamma and Sissy. They look like twins so we could have had such fun with naming them but messed that up!


And funny thing, my cats only supervise the work as well. I think they must have a union or something!

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When we adopted them they were about 5 weeks old (no momma) and we called them Lucy & Ethel😸


Then our good friend used to say hey where's Frick & Frack? Then hubby started calling them Bogey & Birdie.


Of course, I was convinced they were girls - took to vet for 1st checkup - the vet said what are their names? I said Lucy & Ethel -- she said hate to disappoint you but they're boys.🙀🙀🙀 hubby said let's call them Frick & Frack (my friend was happy!)


They are just plain lazy kitties!



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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

Re: For @mominohio

[ Edited ]

@homedecor1  When my youngest son was about nine, a co-worker of mine had a litter of kittens she was trying to find homes for. So, of course, I took my son over to her house to pick one out. I use the word "one" loosely. Needless to say, we came home with two. I asked him what he wanted to name them and he said "Sugar" and "Spice". They were gorgeous ki-ki's.Heart

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010



I think our kitties are related by your avatar. Here's Frick he's very laid back!



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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

@homedecor1  Wouldn't that be cool? HeartOur Smokey is laid back, too. We rescued him from a no kill center when he was six years old. That's what they told us. I believe we have had him five years. He is amazing. And very laid back like Frick. We have an affinity in this household for gray long haired ki-ki's. BTW, he rules the house, keeping our two dogs in line. LOL

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein