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First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

We'll be decorating in Dec. and it should be interesting. We got rid of some stuff this last year. I'm feeling good about decorating this year now. It won't be so hard to bring stuff up from the basement for us.

Does anyone else plan to decorate sooner rather than later? We even change the clock in the kitchen to chime bits of Christmas music. It's fun. Looking forward to more Christmas shows soon too.

I wish everyone well this year and a good Christmas, or holiday as you enjoy it.

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

I'm putting our tree up this weekend which is about 2 weeks earlier than I usually do. This will be our last year in this house and in the area. My dh is retiring in '15 and we're moving up to our cottage 250 miles away. Its bittersweet. But, being our last year here, I'm going all out! Happy decorating!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

This weekend I will be getting started! Hubby is off today, but we are focusing on Thanksgiving so we'll see how much I can get done by Sunday night.

I am a Black Friday shopper...(I anyway I will be "busy" Christmas shopping this weekend too. Smile

I will say that I am so happy with my picks and ribbon I purchased through QVC. I know they were more expensive, but they are so far above the quality of a HL, etc. Plus so many of the stores many of you mention we simply don't have here in the more rural area where I live.

At any rate I love my new items and had so much fun reading everyone's posts about their new Christmas/Holiday decorating items. It's fun to find a group of people who enjoy decorating their homes as much as I do!! Enjoy your decorating!!! I know I will!!

Blessings {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

I already have my Department 56 houses up and we have an upstairs tree and a downstairs tree and they are both up-not decorated yet-just up-I love getting up in the morning and turning on the lights and during the day it is still unobtrusive.

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

For the last few years, we've put the tree up right after Halloween but don't light it until the day after Thanksgiving. It's when we have the time and the energy to do it and it does make the house look festive. We also have the lights in the window and garland on the mantle. I like to decorate but don't want the stress of decorating within a short window of time.

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

Yes, we will do the decorating on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Luckily, the outside lights were put up a week ago because we have had several inches of snow which isn't going to melt.

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

I am planning to do the same!

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

My tree is up & decorated, except for the tree top ornament, which will go up on day after Thanksgiving. This is the earliest I have ever put my tree up, just decided to do it. I still have the rest of my decorating to do, but the tree is the biggest and most time consuming part, so I am well on my way.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

I am excited to put my Christmas things out. I love lights on the trees when it gets dark. I do a smaller tree on a table in the living room and two tall skinny trees in my dining room one at each window. I also have a Christmas village I put under the trees. I love Christmas decorating and always hate to put it away after Christmas missing it when it isn't there any more. I see a lot of holiday lights on houses already.

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Re: First weekend in Dec., we're decorating!

I'm having a gathering at my home this weekend so I put my Christmas tree up. It's the first time I've done it so early, I usually wait until around the second week in December. I don't plan to do any entertaining at my home for Christmas so I wanted to at least have the tree up to be enjoyed by my Thanksgiving visitors.

I couldn't bring myself to put up all of my Christmas décor yet and will probably wait a couple more weeks for that. I'm still enjoying Autumn. However, the way I packed everything away last year, I had to pull everything out to get all of the tree stuff, then put everything BUT the tree stuff back! It was a little extra work and disorganization, but it will all work out in the end.

I love having my tree up and decorated while still not being in full Christmas mode!