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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

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@151949I agree that the process is unpredictable and can make you crazy. The one time we were under a contingency contract,  the seller of the home we were trying to buy, agreed to give us a little more time to get ours sold.

We did get a buyer, but it was so nerve racking because the agent representing them kept asking for more and more, and I finally said to your buyers want the house or not !?!? She said yes, but that was a sale that about drove us crazy before it was complete.

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house


They claimed to really love everything else but can't consider buying it because there is only one sink in the master bath. They said they get ready to go somewhere at the same time and it would be too inconvenient for one of them to have to walk down the hall to the other BR, or have to wait for the sink.SERIOUSLY??? BTW - that second bath is 10 steps away from the master bath - this is a small home. There is a ton of counter space in both baths. 

I am amazed by the spoiled attitude of buyers.


Attitudes like that have come up here in numerous discussions about homes, their size, number of bathrooms, and various other amenities. 


People who can pay for what they want should be able to spend their money and have things the way they want, but I do shake my head at what people today think they 'need' and what is considered 'necessary'. Heaven help them if it all ever goes away for any reason. 

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

It's an "excuse"..........they wanted to leave "graciously"

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house



i understand the  anxiety around it.  I am dreading this house going back on the market  so much. It is my personal h*ll!

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house


@sassenach1 I agree. I hate this whole process as well. We ordered our new home on contingency and we only have to Mar 19 to get this place under contract. My cousin asked us the other day what our plan is in case it doesn't sell. My DH said we will have to go to the builders and plead on bended knee for an extension.

I woke up this morning so nervous I was throwing up.

Someone is coming to view it today. 


I realize this is a stressful thing, absolutely, but becoming physically ill because of selling a house isn't really good. When I tend to get too upset about something I'm trying to make happen, I try to remember and do the following.


Take a deep breath, and look at the real picture here. You have a perfectly good house, where you can live safely and happily and comfortably (you have for some time now).


You simply WANT to move to an new home/area. That is all it really is, a want. You will still wake up every day in the "same place" you were before you started this whole process. The sun will come up, you will still have your husband and friends, and reasonably good health. You will still have your incomes from your pensions etc. Life won't be any worse for not having this transaction go through.


There are life situations that totally devastate people, or that when making the wrong decision or not being able to make some thing happen will have lasting horrible consequences. This is not one of those. 


Just keep it in perspective, and much of that stress will become much easier to tolerate.


And never discount the idea that things happen (or don't) for a reason. If this doesn't come to be, it just might mean there is another place for you, or another time for you to be changing residence, or maybe that for some reasons you aren't supposed to be anywhere but where you already are.

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

Spoiled buyers--I don't think so.  When you are buying anything you want what you want.  If I walked into a house and it didn't have at least most of what I wanted, I'd pass on it too.

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

I also raised a family with one bathroom and one sink.  We were younger then.  The one requirement DH and I would have is two toilets.  I won't explain except to say....the old bladders aren't what they used to be!!!!!!!

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

@151949: Sorry this home buying/ selling process is making you sick.

I cannot understand why you would fall in love with a new home first and then try to sell your place. A plan that has Problems and Anxiety written all over it.

After buying three and selling two houses, I know that selling is not fun at all. I refused to even look until after my last house got past the inspection. There were problems with those buyers up to and including the closing table. They made it a very contentious sale, all because they could not sell their house and I refused to accept a contingency, although I agreed to a couple of extensions to closing. Of course, that was in 2006, right before the bottom fell out of the market. They tried every trick in the book, and then some, to continue to chip away at the sale price, even well after inspection.

I hope you get a good quality buyer and survive the process. I plan to list my house soon. Not looking forward to the selling process at all. I will travel and rent for a while before buying my next home.

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house

[ Edited ]

The buyers aren't spoiled at all & they're smart not to settle for less than what they want. A home is a huge investment, remodelling is expensive & resell value is important....It's smart to stick to your list of must haves. Sellers have to move somewhere & they have a list of must haves too...I would never judge the OP selfish for sticking to theirs.

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Re: Feedback we got today on our house


Every family functions differently.  What is a deal breaker for one family may be a selling point for another.  It is funny that 

That is what my husband said....a large tub...really but I am a runner so after every weekend run, nothing is better than a hot bath.  I grew up taking baths and I find them so relaxing.  If I had a really rough day at work or it is really cold out, it is in my top 3 things to do.  Smiley Happy