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Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

May be an image of table and living room


How do you feel about the use of patterns together in this space?

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

Nothing special. I don't love it or hate it. The color scheme is boring and doesn't seem well thought out.

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept


the chairs say sit, but not too long 

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

I think it works. It has a nice flow to it.

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

The rug doesn't go with any of the other patterns.  Remove them and it goes well in this room.  

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

Furniture not my style but like the arrangement of what may be a small apt or town home.
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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

I can't find a thing I like about it.  Too angular, don't like the black and white with brown tones; several different wood tones like they couldn't make up their mind.  And I hate that chandelier and the black geometric window treatments.


I'd rip it all out and start again, making it warmer and more welcoming.


(The rug might be okay in a children's play area.)

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

Too much everything, it looks like a furniture showroom. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

I like the colors, but the deep tones in the rug would irritate me quite soon.  I like a more relaxed feel instead of that hard geometric.

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Re: Earthtones + Patterns in Open Concept

There isn't a thing, a piece of furnitute, decor that I like in this room.  Not my taste at all, drab and cold.