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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

This was like the apartment furnishings

this was the coffee table!

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

Yes, in my first "real" apt, (not rooming with someone or renting a room from someone), I had a papa san chair in the living room, that was a cast off from a friend. I had a piece of foam to sleep on in the bedroom.

Eventually I bought a bed and a sofa, a dining set, etc. Blue and "country style"was big back then (early nineties), and the sofa I bought was a huge blue pull out sofa. It had a tiny embroidered flower pattern, and ruffled trim along the bottom. I was proud of that sofa! Smile

Gradually, over time, my family gave me hand me downs. They lived in a different state, so when they came to visit, they would drive and bring me things, like a coffee table, lamps, etc.

When I was 30, I had my first house built, and I sold all my furniture and bought new.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

My first set of furniture was from Rent-A-Center. I think it was a fake black leather couch. Beads hanging down on all the doorways.

The next time was a bright green plush, furry sectional from Montgomery Wards that had a built in table in the middle corner of it - all one piece. It was hard as a rock and felt like cardboard underneath. Waterbed on the floor, no frame.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

My first home was an garage apartment the first year I taught. It had their daughter's antique organ in it and a Chippendale camel back couch. My second apartment, a townhouse, was when we got married. I antiqued a table and chairs from his mom's garage that held plants! The rest was early garage and the least we could get by with while saving for the two story we built two years later. He got me an Ethan Allen tester bed as a house warming gift, and we began to collect primitive antiques. The only thing that isn't over a hundred years old upstairs is that bed and my grandmother's glass vanity, at which I used to play as a child.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

Oh yes. I was given a dining room table and hutch. It was old but I was so excited. I eventually gave it to one of my sisters. We bought a few new pieces but it was pretty sparsely decorated at first. But I thought it was the greatest thing in the world.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

As I recall it , the only new things we had were 2 area rugs , curtains which I made, and wedding gift things like towels and sheets & blankets, and kitchen stuff. My Mom found some lamps in my grandmother's attic - they were so ugly!! But, hey, we needed light. They were porcelain with roses I think. We had very modern black furniture so we painted them red.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

My brother had 12 children - 11 boys - so they had a dorm set up in the huge room they had turned into a bedroom for the boys. There was a dresser then a bed then a dresser then a bed etc etc all around the room. Each kid had his own bed and his own dresser. The dressers were all second hand from places like Goodwill. She allowed the kids to each paint their dresser however they liked, and they were allowed to change it whenever they pleased. It was always interesting how they painted them and how, over the years, they changed them. They also each had their own comforter and those too underwent some transformations - horrible dye jobs etc. It never seemed to bother the boys though.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

Yes, we just recalled the first couch (that we bought) just the other day. Price is right had a certain set (retro) and hubby said he didn't like that and then said, "remember our first couch?" Oh yeah. That was in the 70's. Wasn't bad though, at the time.

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Re: Do you recall your furniture from your first home?

My first furniture purchases were 36 years ago. I bought a dining room table from a "seconds" store that my nephews still use, a used bookcase that I still use and love and four chairs with wicker inserts (from Target)that gave up the ghost a loooong time ago :-).