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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

Wood Burning.  It is all we use for heat during the winter months here in Oklahoma even though we do have central air and heat.  Our wood even comes off our own land!  It is a bit messy, but you can't beat the warmth it throws out!

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

We have both.  Never use either one.

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

In the beginning, we had a wood burning insert in our fireplace........we cut our own wood but as we have become older, we sold it & bought a pellet we just buy wood pellets to load in the top tray.......just a tiny bit of ash to clean every once in a while but no more hard work of dealing with all the wood & mess of a burning wood stove.

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

I have a wood burning fireplace. I don't use it so I put my big screen TV on the hearth. It's the perfect height and length for it..Woman Happy

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

[ Edited ]

I have had both and currently use a gas fireplace. Love it not only for the warmth but the cheerfulness, and no cleanup.


eta: natural gas is cheap in our area, so I have no qualms using it.

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

We had a fireplace when we moved in. We converted it to gas. Then DH wanted a stove insert (vermont Castings). We converted that to gas too. We have a ceiling fan that blows the air down and will heat the family room. During power outages in the winter, we all huddle around it and it does a good job heating us. The kitties can be found there year round, even with it off! 


We had a Vermont Castings stove installed in our first house. I loved it. We would cook chili and other soups on it during football season. I spent most of my time by it, grading papers, reading, watching TV, etc. The only problem was when I took down the curtains. They were BLACK. We soon realized that the walls were also covered in sooty residue! We decided as much as we liked it that we wouldn't get another. But we're happy with our gas one! Smiley Happy

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

Woodburning in our living room....a massive one. We don't use it much....too messy.

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

We have both wood burning and gas and use them both.  Love them both too.  LM

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

We have a gas fireplace that is on right now. We love it and use it all winter and on cold damp days like today in the Fall. It has a thermostat which makes it basically a regular heater.

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Re: Do you have a Wood Burning or a Gas Fireplace?

We had a woodstove in our previous house in the family room which also heated the kitchen. In this house we have 2 gas fireplaces, one in the living room & one in the den which we use infrequently.