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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

I use chlorine bleach in my toilets, and about a tablespoon of bleach in my dishwater, and that's pretty much it. I use Clorox wipes in my bathroom daily, and use them to clean door knobs weekly. Three people in my house have asthma, so I have to be very careful with what products I use to clean with.
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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

On 1/4/2015 RedTop said: I use chlorine bleach in my toilets, and about a tablespoon of bleach in my dishwater, and that's pretty much it. I use Clorox wipes in my bathroom daily, and use them to clean door knobs weekly. Three people in my house have asthma, so I have to be very careful with what products I use to clean with.

Are those Clorox Wipes pretty easy to handle for those of us with asthma?

I don't use bleach much because not only do I have severe asthma, but we have a bird and stuff like that can kill him. But I have a pretty large house so there are areas where I could use it and it wouldn't hurt him.

I don't know what it is about the bottle of Clorox, though. I will use it to wash her cleaning rags and somehow or other some of it gets on my clothes no matter how careful I am! It's frustrating but the good thing is that I wear my 'dog hair' clothes around the house so at least it's not better stuff that gets ruined. I don't even pour it right in to the drum. I have a little bleach dispenser thing on one front corner and it's an easy pour. I have three things that have bleach damage. Smiley Sad

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

No. DH can't stand the smell. He's very sensitive to scents (allergies) and bleach is one of them. I use Lysol mostly, on my floors and in the bathrooms. For some reason that scent doesn't bother him.

I just never liked using bleach for anything a lot anyway, too much risk of getting it on your clothing and carpeting and ruining them. I do bleach my white bath towels. He doesn't complain about that. I guess because I rinse them twice the smell is mostly gone by the time I dry them.

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

On 1/3/2015 MoJoV said:
On 1/3/2015 Beauty$Junkie said:

Warning, whatever you do, don't get bleach mixed with vinegar. I accidentally did this last week, and it creates a caustic chlorine gas. Make sure you properly dilute you beach.

I didn't know that about vinegar. But I do know about mixing bleach and ammonia, years ago my DH's grandma almost killed herself with that combo of cleaning things. It was pretty bad.

Never mix any of the following:

Bleach + vinegar = chlorine gas

Bleach + ammonia = chloramine vapors

Bleach + rubbing alcohol = chloroform

I do use bleach in cleaning. If you have a stainless steel sink, you can get it to sparkle by filling it up with warm water and a little bit of bleach. I let it sit for about 1/2 hour, then come back, drain the sink and wipe it clean. It looks like a brand new sink.

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

On 1/3/2015 SAgal said: I would never use bleach - it is a caustic chemical and it is not needed. Vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide can take care of all cleaning needs.

You don't say how you use these three products, SAgal, but just for the record:

Vinegar + baking soda makes a very ineffective cleaning solution. Baking soda is a basic, while vinegar is an acid. When you combine the two, you get water and sodium acetate...But mostly just water.

Also, vinegar + hydrogen peroxide = parecetic acid. You can use them on the same surface for cleaning, but don't mix them together as parecetic acid can be very corrosive and irritating.

Any one of them may be fine when used alone for certain cleaning projects, but be aware that mixing seemingly benign products can create other compounds, some of which may be useless (best case scenario) or toxic (worst case).

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

On 1/4/2015 mima said:
On 1/4/2015 In-x-s said:

I use bleach for a variety of cleaning and always a shot in my dishwater. Helps to clean those nasty milk glasses that the kids don't rinse out.

a little OT, but to those who use the Lysol Disinfectant spray on things, does it leave a residue on things like computer keyboard/mouse/countertops/doorknobs/etc??

Use rubbing alcohol on a rag to clean your computer/keyboard/mouse/doorknobs. It cleans, disinfects, dries fast and doesn't leave residue. It's cheap too!

THat's what I use now, the wintergreen scented diluted 50/50 with water. I'm just getting sucked into all the influenza panic I guess that I thought I needed something more. Although, I was reading that using all the antibacterial and germ killing things make you more susceptible than not.

(I am far from a germaphobe but do like to clean Smiley Wink

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

I put a bit of bleach in my dish water each day. Yes, I still do dishes the old fashion way... Smiley Happy hahaha...

I wipe down the counters and other surfaces, door handles, light switches, etc. after completing the dish washing. If it is gross, I will make another sink of water and wipe things down. I just know that the cats tap-dance on my counters/table when I am at work... hahahah...

I also use Clorox wipe for quick clean up, as well as the Clorox cleaning spray.

But, with anything you must always be careful to not splatter, spill or inhale the fumes.

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

Rarely but I do.

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Re: Do you clean with bleach?

On 1/4/2015 chickenbutt said:
On 1/4/2015 RedTop said: I use chlorine bleach in my toilets, and about a tablespoon of bleach in my dishwater, and that's pretty much it. I use Clorox wipes in my bathroom daily, and use them to clean door knobs weekly. Three people in my house have asthma, so I have to be very careful with what products I use to clean with.

Are those Clorox Wipes pretty easy to handle for those of us with asthma?

I don't use bleach much because not only do I have severe asthma, but we have a bird and stuff like that can kill him. But I have a pretty large house so there are areas where I could use it and it wouldn't hurt him.

I don't know what it is about the bottle of Clorox, though. I will use it to wash her cleaning rags and somehow or other some of it gets on my clothes no matter how careful I am! It's frustrating but the good thing is that I wear my 'dog hair' clothes around the house so at least it's not better stuff that gets ruined. I don't even pour it right in to the drum. I have a little bleach dispenser thing on one front corner and it's an easy pour. I have three things that have bleach damage. Smiley Sad

I am a nurse and an asthmatic - it is best not to use clorox bleach wipes - much better to use the lysol ones.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Do you clean with bleach?

Thank You, HH!