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Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

One of my earliest memories is of being in a 5&10 wth my mom and convincing her to buy me a plastic tea set. She must've been in a particularly good mood that day, because I remember her saying that it was $3, which to her was an outrageous price, but she bought it for me anyway.  I cherished it for years. 


While my friends' Barbie dolls were walking the runway, I was squirreling away shoe boxes to build kitchens and furniture for my Barbie's home. 


I was forever rearranging my bedroom furniture and as far as I know, I'm the only kid who ever asked for new sheets for her 10th birthday.


I remember begging for an Easy Bake Oven, which my parents probably couldn't afford. My mom told me that we had a real oven if I wanted to bake.... so I did. I can't ever remember a time when homemaking wasn't my passion.


My friends always told me I was an "old soul", which was probably their way of saying I was an old fuddy-duddy.

Guilty as charged.


Do you have similar memories?

~ house cat ~
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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

No, and I don't have them as an adult. LOL


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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

When I was young and some little girls were playing with their dolls --- I was hanging out with the boys playing street games - in NYC and Brooklyn. I never thought of getting married and having children - like so many females say was their goal. I never did get married --- wish I had - but never met the right guy!!!! 

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

i loved to cok.  i remember watching m mom can and then i got some old bottle and tried to can leaves.

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

[ Edited ]

Yes my Mom said if I wanted Barbie clothes she would buy me a pattern and show me how to use it she did.

My Barbie had the cutest jumpsuit with a border print courtesy of Mom

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

I loved playing with dolls when I was a kid and playing house  and helping my Mom clean and bake.I also loved playing nurse and bandaging the dog, my dolls and my brothers.I absolutely adored when one of them needed a band aid & I could put it on them.I was always ripping my Mom's rags into bandages - she'd get so mad at me!

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

I didn't have those tendencies as a child, probably because my dear mom had a "beauty shop" in our home and worked a lot of hours. Housekeeping and cooking were the last things on her mind! She always managed to cook something for our dinner, but it was just something that had to be done and I think I grew up with the same mentality! LOL!

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

Oh yes. I would make houses for my dolls out of shoe boxes. I was the dessert baker in the house and I sewed all my own clothes. I would have loved being a housewife but I did have a 40 year career that I loved and now that I am retired I am finally a housewife. Love it!

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?


I remember in HS being told that I had to take home making. I begged to take Chemistry.

I was so bad at sewing that my mother would do my "homework"

My cooking was not much better.

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Re: Did you have homemaker tendencies as a young child?

Not sure that I had those tendencies.  But, I did have chores, and plenty of them!!!  I remember helping with the wringer washing machine, ironing, cleaning, etc. Proper cleaning meant moving the furniture so sometimes I would move some of it around (which didn't always go over well).


Cooking for a big family was more fun than just for 1 or 2.  If I make meatballs, I'll make @10# aand freeze them.  If I do lasagna, I'll make several and freeze them.  Same with pies, cookies, etc.  If I'm going to go to the trouble, I make a lot.  That way I can share with family, etc.  Otherwise, I really am tired of cooking!