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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Jewelry Cleaners:    Remember on Sunday's Jane Treacy would sell silver cleaners on the Silver Savings shows..... Well I had about 3 silver cleaners and 2 QVC brand all purpose jewery cleaners that all must be AT LEAST 30 years old.  Went to the grocery store today and purchased 1 for silver and it said on the label to use it within 1 year of opening.  Needless to say, all of the 30 year old QVC cleaners went in the garbage today.


Acne Cream:  Even though I'm in my 60's I occassionally have a breakout here and there.  The tubes in the closet expired about 5 years ago.  Purchased 1 new inexpensive tube today and threw out the 2 old ones.


No Show Socks:  I purchased a set of 6 a while ago and tried on a pair today  They are way too small for my size 9 feet.  I put them in the donation bin.   When I was at the store today I purchased some Hanes brand that are for size 8 - 11 and they fit so good.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

I don't post on here often as I am not a regular purger but I do come here occassionally to get inspired to purge. 


I haven't bought many clothes in the past 6 months but I have run out of empty hangers so some clothes have to go before I buy anything new even if it does not require hanging. 


I have been doing a good job using up foods in our pantry and freezer which has cut down on our grocery list each week. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@Fifi1 wrote:


very little declutter past few days: odds/ends in cosmetics, some magazine who knows why I saved....


dh took me to a lovely Mother's Day Brunch, came home did laundry.  Heard from our son who lives in another state and received a nice giftcard from him.  

taking down some spring items, dusting and getting ready to decorate for summer in patriotic theme, red, whie, blue. We started doing a seasonal tree this year after Christmas and it's been super fun! dh has really gotten into this!  So far, a Valentines tree and Easter one! Who knew! 
of course, need to organize the items in bins and label! 

so beautiful out, dh has some bubbles chilling for me, so some backyard time now!


All who celebrate Mother's Day hope its was nice! 

@Fifi1 - That all sounds wonderful! I hope you had a great day!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

[ Edited ]

Laura Geller Tube of Lipstick:  It came in a set and the color is considered a  nude/natural shade.   I've tried it a few times and thought it did nothing for me as I felt I looked "washed out".  As it's considered a "high end/prestigious" brand I felt guilty just throwing it out.  I tried it again this week - I have the same worn out look so I trashed it today.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

[ Edited ]

I've only had very small purges/upkeep, here and there, but I like to post here, because it keeps me motivated and feeling like I'm getting something done and keeping on top of things!


Went through another kitchen drawer, pulled out the divider storage boxes, cleaned them out, tested and decluttered pens, threw out broken ones, and ones not writing well. Tossed a few other small junk items in there.


Went through my bunch of the month's slips on my desk, checked them against my debit and credit card accounts and shredded.


Broke down and threw out recent delivery boxes.


Threw out a pair of stretched out sneaker socks.


Been trying to use what's in my fridge up before buying more, planning some meals. Though...I have been to the grocery store also this week for a few needed items, but still, working my way through what I have. Does this even count?! I grasping?! Just trying to stay on top of these things, use what I already have and not waste, especially food!


That's it for now. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@amyb   Yes, it all counts.  I don't think it's grasping.  Anything out is a win.  🤣

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@BunSnoop wrote:

Laura Geller Tube of Lipstick:  It came in a set and the color is considered a  nude/natural shade.   I've tried it a few times and thought it did nothing for me as I felt I looked "washed out".  As it's considered a "high end/prestigious" brand I felt guilty just throwing it out.  I tried it again this week - I have the same worn out look so I trashed it today.

@BunSnoop - I always used to feel bad too throwing out perfectly good cosmetics that didn't look good on me. But like you, there isn't any point in keeping something if I'm not going to use it. And I'm not going to use something if I don't like how it looks, so it might as well go in the trash. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@amyb wrote:

I've only had very small purges/upkeep, here and there, but I like to post here, because it keeps me motivated and feeling like I'm getting something done and keeping on top of things!


Went through another kitchen drawer, pulled out the divider storage boxes, cleaned them out, tested and decluttered pens, threw out broken ones, and ones not writing well. Tossed a few other small junk items in there.


Went through my bunch of the month's slips on my desk, checked them against my debit and credit card accounts and shredded.


Broke down and threw out recent delivery boxes.


Threw out a pair of stretched out sneaker socks.


Been trying to use what's in my fridge up before buying more, planning some meals. Though...I have been to the grocery store also this week for a few needed items, but still, working my way through what I have. Does this even count?! I grasping?! Just trying to stay on top of these things, use what I already have and not waste, especially food!


That's it for now. 

@amyb - Yes, using up items in the fridge definitely counts! In my opinion, groceries and food is a considerable weekly expense and like you, I hate to waste food! I feel like I'm just throwing money in the trash. So using items up and not repurchasing is definitely a form of decluttering because it can take up a considerable amount of space too!


I also have been trying to work thru some older items in my pantry and freezer and I'm not replacing some of our stuff either. I've found that my our families tastes have changed and some things we used to eat all the time we're just not eating now. But I don't want to waste it either so I'm trying to make it a point to use it up too.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Let's see, my son tossed a ripped out and stained pair of jeans, but we already replaced them. He actually will probably get another pair too, so no progress there. 


We did toss an air mattress that had a hole in it. 


I went thru my pantry and tossed a few odds and ends that I didn't think we were ever going to use: some packets of coffee creamer, a packet of some sort of jalapeno sauce that I think came with a taco kit, some ham glaze I think my mother in law gave me (yes, she's weird), some rock candy that we were given during the holidays that no one liked, some holiday suckers. There may have been a couple of other small items, but you get the idea. Nothing substantial, but stuff that I was just tired of looking at. Like @amyb I hate to waste stuff but it was time for this stuff to go. 


That's all I can think of for the moment. I know, it's not much, but it's all I got. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

I haven't made any progress on purging my main category of clothes the last couple weeks.  In addition to my infected toe I had a back molar extracted and just don't feel like going thru clothes or trying them on and making decisions on what should go.


I did purge 2 purses, 1 pair of shoes and 2 tops from that category.


In addition, purged a wallet, paper punch, lots of miscellaneous office supplies, forehead thermometer, old address book, a few hangers and 1 book.