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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

[ Edited ]

@magicmoodz @LavernLuvsShoes @Sooner All your attic talk reminded me of my paternal grandma's attic...I loved going up there as a kid. 


I recall it being dark, musty, but so a snapshot of my dad's childlife...there was a bedroom up there where my dad's and his brother's (My uncle Bob's) airforce uniforms hung, along with toy airplane models they made.


And there were trunks, and at one point even some antique slot machines! Wish I had those today!! I recall my aunt selling those in a tag sale at some point. I loved that old was two aunt, my dad's eldest sister, and her family lived downstairs and my grandma upstairs, until the 70's when they built a new home in the suburbs, with a "mother-in-law" apartment for my grandma. But so many memories of that old two family, where we'd visit almost every Sunday....there was a grapevine quanssett hut shaped arbor in the back yard, covered in concord grapes where all the old folks sat, drank wine, chatted. To this day when I smell Concord grapes it brings me back.


Anyhoo...before I continue down that very fertile rabbit hole...I was just relating to the attic comments. Smiley Happy

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Oh @amyb those pesky 15 pounds that seem to hang out in one place these days for me. However, I think another 15 pounds must have went directly to my fat head during the disrobing debacle. I like your thought process on calling in reinforcements for assistance. Have a great weekend friends. Heart 


@amyb wrote:


@nwbabs, the shirt that got stuck on, lol.  I laughed because that happened to me about a month ago with a LOFT short puffed sleeved blouse I decluttered. Now, I know I've got 15 lbs I want to lose, but really, not in my relatively small arms! And though I've been doing weight training exercises (for osteoperosis) these past 2 years, I don't see where I've bulked up much! But, that blouse got stuck on my arms and trying to take it off was a comedy show! I got a little frightened it was stuck for good and I'd have to call my fire dept! 😂 Did get it off, and off it went to donations!! Lol.


Ah....this thread is so relatable...I guess we're not all that different. Smiley Happy Happy wknd, peeps.




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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Love your attic stories, @amyb !


After my most recent purging, I decided a little re-organization was in order.  Having a "rotation" of decor is important to me-- I love design, and vignettes, and I get bored with how things look after a while...


So, unlike some purgers, I do keep some "extras" in storage to swap out.  Mostly ceramics ( vases)-- I'm insane about vintage pottery-- but a little glass too, including my small milk glass collection, and brass etc.


Had two separate shelf units in basement. One, is a handsome metal one, the other, a dilapidated small wood bookshelf.


I decided I want just the larger metal one in basememt for my rotation of vases and decorative bowls.  It'll also keep me from acquiring too much more, since it's a finite amount of storage.


I have a few other "stash" places around the house, like part of the front closet, and two overflow bins.  One of those bins, which I keep in the attic, holds decor that is in limbo-- it MIGHT be kept for future use, it might be given to loved ones, or it might just be donated.  But it's a "cleaner" feeling for me to have it labeled, and stored out of sight.


In Cas, the 'Clutterbug''s school of de-cluttering, I'm a Ladybug-- I like a relatively "clean" decor system, most definitely not minimal-- but I like to keep the overflow behind closed doors or otherwise out of sight, where it's not causing visual "overload".



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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@Oznell Tku re: attic stories..


I am like you...I have to switch it up, so I do keep a fairly organized, and out of site collection of seasonal decor.

Here in CT the seasons are distinct, so I think many of us throughout New England are very in tune with decorating for the seasons.


I even do early summer, late summer, and that stays until summer actually ends, 9/22. I really only begin what little "fall" decor I do when the colors outdoors start to significantly change, in October. I'm on CT coast so I sometimes keep a few coastal/summery nods up and mix in some pastel pumpkins and things like outdoor dried hydrangeas etc. I'm not one to turn everything orange in Sept/Oct/Nov! I just like other more subtle color pallettes better for my aesthetic. 


I think I'd be a ladybug, though never heard of that thing you mentioned, I'll have to check it out. I've no interest in being "minimalist"...just decluttered, organized, and still keep some charm and personality around. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

  1. Tossed some socks, pantyhose and tights - Too old and ugly to donate.
  2. Tossed some freezer-burnt stuff from the Fridge - Been in there for almost a year.



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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@amyb ,  the Clutterbug is an ingenious organizer, like many of the others we all admire, whose "system" really seems to appeal to me, for some reason.  This little chart of hers shows how she classifies the different ways people naturally want to organize.  I'm a Ladybug, and my hubby is definitely a Bee, so we approach things a bit differently, ha......


Screenshot 2024-08-10 at 1.52.24 PM.png

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Did a quick look through my closet today, 2 dresses, 1 cardigan, 5 blazers, 5 tops, and my late husband's leather jacket have been pulled for donation. I still have so many clothes that I really should add more, but for right now I'm leaving it at this. Both of the dresses, 1 top and 1 of the blazers have never been worn. I will probably drop them off tomorrow.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Hubby went to his mom's a few days ago and brought home another pile of stuff from his dad's closet. Ugh. I'm starting to run out of room to put everything. He shared some of it with my boys but still, it is in my house as long as they live here. 


I'm glad that he's helping her clean out but we just don't need so much additional stuff here. If he keeps this up I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I will just have to ask him to get rid of something else if he's going to continue to add to our stuff. There is a limit to how much room we have here too. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Thanks @Oznell for sharing that chart!


Now that I read it...I think I'm mostly the Cricket! 🦗 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?


@rnmom wrote:

Hubby went to his mom's a few days ago and brought home another pile of stuff from his dad's closet. Ugh. I'm starting to run out of room to put everything. He shared some of it with my boys but still, it is in my house as long as they live here. 


I'm glad that he's helping her clean out but we just don't need so much additional stuff here. If he keeps this up I don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I will just have to ask him to get rid of something else if he's going to continue to add to our stuff. There is a limit to how much room we have here too. 

Wow @rnmom ...I got a little suffocated feeling just reading this. I think it's great your hubby is helping his mom with her overstuffed home, however, it shouldn't create a similar problem in your home. If you are feeling like you've reached "critical mass" with this is time to keep less of her stuff, and/or definitely swap out for something you have, but not add to it. Not trying to be bossy to you about something I'm sure is a tricky situation for now...just trying to help you with some boundaries. You simply cannot take on all of her burden to help her out. Some new boundaries need to be set, somehow.


I still have more glassware, bowls, ceramics, than I need, and just about ALL I can store and display and use, neatly, functionally, because I took many of my mom's pieces. I'm glad I have them, I enjoy them, but when I emptied my mom's home is when my cabinets got filled to capacity. Granted I do enjoy them...Polish stoneware pieces, other ceramics I bake and cook with. But I did get rid of some of my old pans etc.


I did have to let go of some things that were just too much for me to suddenly take on, even though it was a sentimental furniture piece (my grandma's secretary, and cedar chest) as it didn't suit or fit my condo. To this day I wish I'd had a bigger home to keep the cedar chest for storage (it was like new and made in Tennessee) and restore the secretary...just couldn't. So I do understand.


I hope you can regroup and not take in anymore before dealing with what you are already overwhelmed with.