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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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Keeping at it! 
another closet and bag to donate, nightstands with books, purged for church rummage sale.  Dumped my college bulletin board  from 40+ years ago, "Snoopy" that sat unused for 40+ years - made me cry...many memories!  
my dh told me I can purge and clean a little at a time when I retire(26 more work days)! 
i think Im feeling weird, yet excited about retirement just off! 😳🥰 seem to be very emotional!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@Fifi1 wrote:

Keeping at it! 
another closet and bag to donate, nightstands with books, purged for church rummage sale.  Dumped my college bulletin board  from 40+ years ago, "Snoopy" that sat unused for 40+ years - made me cry...many memories!  
my dh told me I can purge and clean a little at a time when I retire(26 more work days)! 
i think Im feeling weird, yet excited about retirement just off! 😳🥰 seem to be very emotional!



I think you really did greyt with finally getting rid of this and thats.

Retirement, well that's a big life change. I can see why you are emotional. But, I think you will get used to the sense of freedom pretty soon.


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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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Little purge this morning...

I was reflecting on this...maybe a help to this process is thinking of a "category" you can streamline, let go of...


For me, I've been going through a few bedroom bureau and armoire drawers where I had small jewelry boxes I'd still kept, when I have a standing mirrored armoire (pretty full but still can fit some things), and two smaller jewelry boxes. Plus a Joan Rivers hanging jewelry bag in my closet! I used to keep the original boxes anyway, for when I either consigned or "thought" I'd list on Ebay (I'm likely NEVER going to bother with that!) Decided this is a "category" I no longer need to keep. Consignment shops never want the boxes. And, like I said, I'll never be doing Ebay, if I'm honest.


So today I tossed 4 more boxes I had in my armoire. 

Small thing, however these are smaller, more shallow drawers and this opened up nice space for what is there, rather than having them completely stuffed. I'd say in the past few months I've tossed about 8-10 of these original boxes taking up storage space.


Again a real small thing, but just like when we do "one small area" of the home, I think this category thing is good too. Like think of a lifestyle choice, change where you can let go of formerly stored things. I always saved ALL these boxes, which I've never needed... no more!


This might sound like micro, non earth shattering advice, lol...but anywhere I can let go of "holding on" I feel good about!!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Purged a Faux-Fur Vest and 2 (Zip-Up) Jackets that I haven't worn in several years - Will take to Goodwill this week.


As soon as the weather stabilizes (remains warm), I plan to do more purging when I switch over my closet from fall and winter items to spring and summer. Smiley Wink

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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Another trunk load to the Animal Thrift Store.


We save up and go every few months or so.


At least we know things go to a good cause. Cat Very Happy

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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Wow!!!  What a productive day!  I hired a guy to remove the old built in shelving in my garage and to empty out the attic.  It took several hours but was worth it and best $$ I've spent😊.  I bought several shelving units to use.


My decor and more is organized and more importantly, 2 trips to the dump later my attic is empty💃💃.  No more "looking" for someone to climb up there to get my seasonal decor.


I truly laughed (and cried) at the stuff my dear late husband carted with him when we moved here -- even brought the snow shovels (we moved to FL)😂😂


But the saddest thing he had his Army uniform stored up there with his dog tags in the pocket😔 always a proud Veteran.  It's going to be cleaned and I'll hang in his closet where it belongs.


I would post pictures of before & after which are truly amazing BUT system keeps telling me "file to large".


Anyway, I feel great about how it turned out😊😊😊

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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@amyb I have a hexagon shaped enclosed table with doors.  I stored my jewelry containers in it.  I didn't keep them with the intention of selling any of the jewelry.  I kept them because some of them were so pretty.  And I thought when I move again sometime, the tennis bracelet boxes would be a good way to store the bracelets to pack for a move or find other uses for the boxes such as dividers in drawers, etc..


Well years later I have never moved and most likely won't.  There would be no need to remove them from my jewelry chests for a move anyway.  So I pitched all of them and don't miss them a bit!


Another category for me was books.  Most of them are now gone.  I have a very very small amount of books remaining - Bible, school year books, dog and bird books, 3 cook books (and I don't cook).

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?


THAT is alot! 🥰

thinkng of you.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Didn't respond to each of you, but cheering you on and find lots of inspiration from your posts!


ps I retrieved my little "Snoopy" bulletin board from garbage! About fell in the can trying to find it - heck it brought such joy, how could I toss it?!  Iwas crying remembering placing it in my college dorm, sorority and first apartment! It needs to stay with me!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@Fifi1   It is an emotional time.  I retired last month (I worked 44 years at the same company, although I had many different jobs)  About two weeks before I was done, I took a box of personal desk items home (not wanting to wait until the last day).  Well, carrying that box out, I got to my car and started bawling.  It was just so emotional.  I was certainly ready, and no regrets, I just think my emotions took over that day.  Enjoy your last days, and know that this is a new chapter in your life.  I will certainly adjust well, and I hope you can as well.  Congrats!  🎉🎊💐