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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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Hello @rnmom ..


I'm new here! Just posted to Amy asking if she threw her bags of shredded paper in the trash bin or recycle? I have one clear bag I can get rid of for now...more in the future.

I was just thinking about a list I started of items I need to return to the Q and Amazon ... so those are things I'll be getting rid of for a start! Yay!! 

Also, I haven't given my sister's Christmas gifts to her yet. They're not even wrapped but she told me to put them in gift bags so I'll do them that way! Also will be returning to her two LocknLock containers she gave me with her homemade Christmas cookies. Gosh! Those were delicious! ...and I emptied the Christmas stocking she gave me so she'll get that back too. 

My sister and I now go to her daughter's house for Christmas because she has a family. We like to watch them open their gifts then later she and I would go to her place and open our gifts there. That didn't happen this year. I'm just too tired so we agreed next Christmas all our gifts will be exchanged at my niece's house. That will be easier for me. 

I forgot to take one large gift to our new sister's 10-week-old sweet grandson 💙 so that's another large gift that will be going out the door! 

I have a LOT to do here but I'm retired so at least every other day I will do something to declutter!

I could really use some cheering on to keep me motivated. I have COPD and fibromyalgia so I'm limited to how much I can do each day. 

Happy New Year everyone!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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@EastCoastGal wrote:

Hello @amyb... Do you put your bags of shredding in the trash bin or recycle bin? Thank you! 

@EastCoastGal Trash. I just don't trust my personal, financial papers in the recycle. Which I realize makes little logical they are shredded, and just going in some big "processing" thing like trash does....still. Trash for me. 


And a big Welcome to our decluttering thread~I'm cheering you on! You seem off to a good start! Smiley Happy

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@granddi your cast offs were quite interesting!


Today, I got rid of a coffeemaker and vacuum cleaner,  because I got replacements for Christmas. Then we took a heavy gas powered weedeater and a fertilizer spreader to my nephew. He knows someone who could use them.


My neighbor needed a new toilet seat so we got one at the hardware store and DH replaced it. He also carried out her garbage, and said it was a big bag. Maybe she's decluttering too. There's something gratifying about getting a clean start in the new year.

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Question:  Do you think/know if donation places want or can sell candles that are practically new, but the wicks have been burned, usually once or twice just so I could smell the candle?

I have some Bath and Body Works three wick candles that I bought  just before I found out they're not good to burn around my cats, so I'm choosing not to burn candles any more. 


I didn't think I should call and ask about a small thing like that.  I have a church place that does a good job distributing things, as well as, selling in their shop.  And if they're too full then I have a Goodwill. 


I'm currently going through Christmas decorations and have a donation box for that started, but a neighbor told me that the church donation won't take them until the start of the holidays next year, so I'll have to store this box in my basement for a while.


I also had pangs of wanting to take out the wicker charger plates that I've kept for 30 or so years because maybe this summer I will use them to set a pretty summer table.  Smiley LOL  But I left them in the donation box!  The thought process of letting go is a struggle sometimes. 



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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Saw this today and thought perhaps it may help some of us:


organize char015_n.jpg

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

Oh my goodness my handyman came over today to put my holiday decor boxes and bags in attic.


I asked him to bring down my Valentines things - he said "I wouldn't know where to look it's packed up here"


I now want to know what's up there -- it's a small opening with pull down ladder so not really something I feel safe climbing.


My son is coming so I know what I'm going to work on while he's here -- of course, when spouse was alive he had the attic completely organized but I have no idea what's up there besides holiday decor.


(I do know there are boxes up there I brought when I moved to FL but god knows what they are!🤦‍♀️)  It's obvious whatever's in them I don't need them after 12 years😉


I know they'll be trips to dump and goodwill🙂



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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

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@taquito The decluttering process CAN be a "struggle" at times!

It's perfectly ok to rethink something and "take it out"...we've all done it at times!


Just my opinion here, but If you are feeling that pull to keep the wicker chargers, and REALLY used them this it! It's just as productive to "dig out" something that's long been stored and actually use it and enjoy it, as to just get rid of it.


I'd say if they don't get used this summer, then I'd donate them. 


What's great about this guilt, no judgement, no shame, just support & inspiration, with a process we're all learning and trying to do our best at.


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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@2sisters - I have one of those DH too. He loves to keep pieces parts and re-use things. If something breaks he likes to take parts off of the item and save them because he might be able to use them for something else. I will admit, some of the things he has kept have come in handy when we've needed a repair, some of it is just silly. Thank goodness we have an extra garage that he keeps his treasures in. 

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@granddi wrote:

This topic is confidential and the admissions here will not be shared with others, right?


I found at least 20 pair of opaque panty hose and many pair of stockings still in the package. I probably have my Dillards punch card for hosery. 


Not going to keep the full head and shoulders size Gorilla halloween mask.


Started gig saw puzzles during the pandemic and have not stopped. Now have over 200! 


Remanent wall paper from my old house that I don't think I need. 


My hubby finally cleared out empty boxes for items purchased long long time ago. He keeps them in case of a return is needed. We parted with a bag phone--can you hear me now!


That's all I will admit to now.

@granddi -  Of course it's all confidential here! What's shared in the Declutter thread, stays in the Declutter thread! Welcome, we're glad you're joining in!

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Re: Declutter 2024: What Have You Purged Today?

@roeroe1005 - I'd have to look back to know for sure, but I know we have been decluttering since at least 2020, so this is minimum year 5, maybe more. And it never ends! It is definitely an ongoing journey.